Fuxia Scholz

Results 19 issues of Fuxia Scholz

See http://core.trac.wordpress.org/ticket/17738 > Here are the precise vowels that replace_accents() can't handle currently: > > ẰằẦầỀềỒồỜờỪừỲỳẢảẲẳẨẩẺẻỂểỈỉỎỏỔổỞởỦủỬửỶỷẴẵẪẫẼẽỄễỖỗỠỡỮữỸỹẮắẤấẾếỐốỚớỨứẠạẶặẬậẸẹỆệỊịỌọỘộỢợỤụỰựỴỵ > > And here are those same vowels without accents: > > AaAaEeOoOoUuYyAaAaAaEeEeIiOoOoOoUuUuYyAaAaEeEeOoOoUuYyAaAaEeOoOoUuAaAaAaEeEeIiOoOoOoUuUuYy

We could look into the file header of a plugin or theme and prevent auto-updates if there is a header ``` Auto-Update: true ``` See [this topic on WordPress Stack...


When media uploads are enabled in the [AJAX Editor](https://github.com/toscho/t5-libraries/blob/master/Core/Forms/Ajax_Editor.php), the upload button is visible, but clicking it raises just an error: ``` Uncaught exception: TypeError: Cannot convert 'n' to object...


[This part](https://github.com/toscho/WP-Magic-Widgets/blob/1da403eb51e9c08d7bd4738e501914ac5edda6c6/class.Unfiltered_Text_Widget.php#L46) in `Unfiltered_Text_Widget::widget()` returns too early: ``` php if ( empty ( $instance[ 'visibility' ] ) ) { print $instance[ 'text' ]; return; } ``` The action `tmw_after_show_widget` is...


Do we need a `composer.json`? What should be the content?


The current setup is too hard to understand. Using just one class that expects a parameter object would be better. Unfortunately, this will not be backwards compatible.


Should be just a query to the Rewrite API.


Maybe as clones of the post permalink editor.


The code from [Germanix URL](https://github.com/toscho/Germanix-WordPress-Plugin/blob/master/germanix_url.php) should go into this plugin after a drastic rewrite.
