Fubon - Frontend Development
Fubon - Frontend Development
Please tell me how to properly install for Next 13 ```tsx Import trace for requested module: ./node_modules/react-id-swiper/lib/index.js ./components/_swiper/index.tsx ./app/page.tsx - warn Fast Refresh had to perform a full reload due...
Can you please tell me how to enable SSR to display normal code with H1, H2 etc.
Tell me, please. It is possible to make a video, with the creation of the site as I drew on the screenshot below. I noticed that everyone makes sites with...
Hello. Could you please tell me Will you be able to add to your project a counter of added items near the cart icon?
Please tell me how to make it work in production on vercel ?
Hello. Is it possible to make access only by password without login? A separate branch in GIT ?
# Summary ```bash file:///Users/fubon/Documents/GitHub/next-shadcn-tailwind/next.config.mjs:1 const withPWA = require('next-pwa')({ ^ ReferenceError: require is not defined in ES module scope, you can use import instead at file:///Users/fubon/Documents/GitHub/next-shadcn-tailwind/next.config.mjs:1:17 at ModuleJob.run (node:internal/modules/esm/module_job:218:25) at async...
Can you please tell me what could be causing this error? https://github.com/thefubon/nuxt3-starter/blob/master/components/app/LinkItem.vue ### In Console ```console { data: RefImpl { __v_isShallow: false, dep: undefined, __v_isRef: true, _rawValue: null, _value: null...