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Easily achieve beautiful, transparent uploads and downloads with a reactive XmlHttpRequest

emberx-xml-http-request is an ember binding to the x-request library

It allows you to declaratively make xml http requests in your templates by injecting an object modelling the request into your templates.

{{x-xml-http-request method="PUT" timeout=12000 url="http://fileupload.com" as |xhr|}}
  name: {{file.name}}<br/>
  bytes uploaded: {{xhr.upload.loaded}} <br/>
  bytes total: {{xhr.upload.total}} <br/>
  percentage complete: {{xhr.upload.percentage}}

  <button {{action (action xhr.send file)}}>Send</button>
  <button {{action (action xhr.abort)}}>Abort</button>



In order to get the XHR to do stuff, you'll need to invoke actions on it. These actions are just JavaScript functions that are attached to the object yielded into the template.

send(data: String | Blob | ArrayBufferView | FormData)

Use this action to initiate the request and start transferring bytes. The optional data parameter will be used as the body of the request. E.g.

{{! send a string}}
<button {{action (action xhr.send "Hello World")}}>Say Hello To Server</button>

{{! send a file}}
<button {{action (action xhr.send file)}}>Send File</button>

{{! etc...}}

See XMLHttpRequest#send() for more about the valid types for data.


Cancel the current request.

<button {{action (action xhr.abort)}}>Cancel</button>


Recreate the request entirely and start from scratch. This is useful if you have aborted a request, or it times out, and you want to send it again, but nothing else about the request has changed.

<button {{action (pipe xhr.reset (action xhr.send file))}}>Retry</button>


All of the properties of the the xhr param, including readyState, status, response, responseText, etc... are reactive and can be bound to in templates, and can also be used as the input for other computed properties.

  readyState: 0,
  requestHeaders: {},
  responseHeaders: {},
  responseType: 'json'
  response: '',
  responseText: '',
  responseXML: '',
  isLoadStarted: false, // alias for download.isLoadStarted
  isLoadEnded: false,   // alias for download.isLoadEnded
  isAborted: false,     // alias for download.isAborted
  isErrored: false,     // alias for download.isErrored
  isTimedOut: false,    // alias for download.isTimedOut
  download: {
    isLoadStarted: false,
    isLoadEnded: false,
    isAborted: false,
    isErrored: false,
    isLengthComputable: false,
    total: 0,
    loaded: 0,
    ratio: 0,
    percentage: 0
  upload: {
    isLoadStarted: false,
    isLoadEnded: false,
    isAborted: false,
    isErrored: false,
    isLengthComputable: false,
    total: 0,
    loaded: 0,
    ratio: 0,
    percentage: 0

This is particularly useful in tracking the progress of an upload or a download.

Because xhr radiates all information about its progress, building UIs to track it are a snap.


ember install emberx-xml-http-request

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