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Blueteam operational triage registry hunting/forensic tool.
Blueteam operational triage registry hunting/forensic tool.
I hope to incorporate more than just registry triage and hunting. I'd love to see this tool become a standalone triage / hunt tool for all Windows persistence mechanisms.
Demo and misc. information on Registry Hunter via Forensic Lunch podcast:
Thank you to and for their open research. Many of the explicit registry keys and values defined in this tool came from their graciously shared hard work.
Thanks to and for the Lnk and Registry Rust crates.
Output is in JSON line delimited.
If you just want the tool, download the reg_hunter_x32.exe and/or reg_hunter_x64.exe binary. Note that you'll want to run the 64 bit binary on a 64 bit OS so that it will not be partially blinded by Windows WOW64 redirection.
Registry key "last_write_time" is included in Registry JSON logs.
The "tags" field is an array populated by any hunts that are a positive match.
I needed a self-contained tool, as when I'm triaging an event, the less files I have to push to a remote device the better. Adding in new hunts and recompiling is simple as well. I also wanted a tool that was not dependent on having a minimum .Net version installed.
NOTE: The "parent_data_type" field specifies the "data_type" that caused the generation of this data type. E.g. If a Lnk file was found in a registry value, this will generate a "ShellLink" data_type with a parent_data_type of "Registry". Then a data_type of "File" with a parent_data_type of "ShellLink" will be generated if the file that the Lnk file points to is found/exists. I.e. Registry --> ShellLink --> File
A file/lnk's meta data will only be collected once no matter how many times it is referenced in registry values.
Add Rust 32 bit target build environment:
rustup toolchain install stable-i686-pc-windows-msvc
rustup target add i686-pc-windows-msvc
rustup target add x86_64-pc-windows-gnu
To compile; install Rust and the MSVC 32 and/or 64 bit environment:
x32: cargo build --release --target i686-pc-windows-msvc
x64: cargo build --release --target x86_64-pc-windows-msvc
Linux x64: sudo apt update && sudo apt install mingw-w64
cargo build --release --target x86_64-pc-windows-gnu
Reg Hunter
Author: Brian Kellogg
License: MIT
Many thanks: @Hexacorn and @SBousseaden
This tool comes with no warranty or support.
If anyone chooses to use it, you accept all responsibility and liability.
reg_hunter --help
reg_hunter [options]
reg_hunter --explicit -f -n [--ip <ip> --port <port>]
reg_hunter --all [-bcefimnorsuwyz] [--ip <ip> --port <port>] [--limit]
reg_hunter -a --regex <regex> --path --name --value
reg_hunter -a -y [--start <start_time> --end <end_time>]
Registry context (one required):
-a, --all Examine all the registry; HKLM and HKU
-x, --explicit Examine only more often forensically interesting keys and values
This option will always report out all
value names and values unless values are empty/null
-k, --key <path> Only examine a specified reg path. [default: NONE]
All sub keys will be examined as well.
Searches both HKLM and HKU hives
format: SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion
-b, --binary Find possible MZ headers in REG_BINARY values
and possible Base64 encoded MZ headers - e.g. 'TVq'
Tag: MzHeader
-c, --shell Find command shells (cmd.exe, powershell.exe, ...)
Tag: Shell
-e, --encoding Find possibly encoded values
Tag: Encoding
-f, --file Find files referenced in registry values
and collect lnk/file metadata. If a lnk file is found,
metadata on both the lnk and file it points to will be
Tag: File
-g, --link Hunt for registry symbolic links
-i, --ip Search for IPv4 addresses
Tag: IPv4
-l, --rightleft Hunt for RightToLeft override
Tag: RightToLeft
-m, --email Find email addresses
Tag: Email
-n, --null Hunt for null prefixed value names
Tag: NullPrefixedName
-o, --obfuscation Find possibly obfuscated values
Tag: Obfuscation
-r, --script Find script files
Tag: Script
-s, --shellcode Find possible shellcode
Tag: Shellcode
-u, --unc Find UNC paths
Tag: UNC
-w, --url Find URLs
Tag: URL
-y, --suspicious Find various suspicious substrings
e.g. iex, invoke-expression, etc.
Tag: Suspicious
-z, --everything Run ALL the hunts
Time window:
This option will compare the specified date window to the registry key's
last_write_time and only output logs where the last_write_time falls
within that window. Window start is inclusive, window end is exclusive.
NOTE: key last_write_time can be timestomped.
--start <UTC_start_time> Start of time window: [default: 0000-01-01T00:00:00]
--end <UTC_end_time> End of time window: [default: 9999-12-31T23:59:59]
Custom hunts (regex and/or hex required):
NOTE: A limitation of the regex hunt is that only REG_BINARY values
that can be successfully converted to a string will be searched.
-q, --regex <regex> Custom regex [default: $^]
Does not support look aheads/behinds/...
Uses Rust regex crate (case insensitive and multiline)
Any match will add 'Custom' to the tags field
Tag: RegexHunt
--hex <string> Hex search string [default: FF]
Hex string length must be a multiple of two
format: 0a1b2c3d4e5f
Tag: HexHunt
-j, --path Search reg key path
-t, --name Search value name
-v, --value Search reg value
Network output:
-d, --destination <ip> IP address to send output to [default: NONE]
-p, --port <port> Destination port to send output to [default: 80]
-h, --help Show this screen
--limit Try to minimize CPU use as much as possible
--print Always output log whether a hunt matched or not
--outfile <file> Send output to a line delimted file [default: NONE]
If the file exists, it will be appended to
--debug Print error logs
e.g. access denied to a registry key
failure opening a registry key
If not run as an administrator some telemetry cannot be harvested.
Only logs that are matched by a hunt are printed out unless the --print
or --explicit argument is used.
An error log with tag of 'HiddenKey' will be generated if any registry key
that fails to open is identified as a maliciously hidden key.
e.g. Key path ends with a unicode null character.
The output is mostly meant to be fed into some hunting backend. But,
there are some built in hunts; --null, --binary, ...
Depending on the options used, considerable output can be generated.
To capture output remotely, start a netcat listener on your port of choice.
Use the -k option with netcat to prevent netcat from closing after a TCP connection is closed.
Files larger than 256MB will not be hashed.
Example commands:
reg_hunter --all --null
- Search the entire registry for null hidden keys
reg_hunter --all --print --start 2022-11-01T00:00:00
- Print out all changed registry keys since November 1st 2022
- Great tactic for finding malicious entries when you know the start date of a possible compromise
reg_hunter --key "system\CurrentControlSet\Services" --print
- Print out all registry keys and values found under the given registry location
reg_hunter --key "system\CurrentControlSet\Services" --everything
- Run all hunts against the given registry location
reg_hunter --explicit --everything
- Run all hunts against just the more forensically interesting registry keys and values
reg_hunter -abcsy
- Run the following hunts against the entire registry: binary, shell, shellcode, suspicious
Example JSON logs:
"parent_data_type": "",
"data_type": "Registry",
"timestamp": "2020-11-24T17:29:48.822",
"device_name": "DESKTOP-NDPUHM4",
"device_domain": "DESKTOP-NDPUHM4",
"device_type": "Windows 10",
"registry_hive": "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE",
"registry_key": "SOFTWARE\\Microsoft\\Windows\\CurrentVersion\\Run",
"registry_value_name": "evil_too",
"registry_type": "REG_SZ",
"registry_value": "C:\\Temp\\evil.txt.lnk",
"last_write_time": "2020-11-24T17:24:30.515",
"tags": [
"device_type":"Windows 10",
"registry_value":"[00, 00, 00, 4d, 5a, 90, 00, 00, 00, 00, 00]",
"parent_data_type": "Registry",
"data_type": "ShellLink",
"timestamp": "2020-11-24T17:29:48.818",
"path": "c:\\temp\\evil.txt.lnk",
"target_path": "C:\\evil.txt",
"last_access_time": "2020-11-24T17:29:48.818",
"last_write_time": "2020-11-07T14:14:08.711",
"creation_time": "2020-11-07T14:13:06.694",
"size": 769,
"hidden": true,
"arguments": "",
"hotkey": "NO_MODIFIER-NoKeyAssigned"
"parent_data_type": "Registry",
"data_type": "File",
"timestamp": "2020-11-24T17:29:48.822",
"path": "c:\\temp\\evil.txt.lnk",
"md5": "0fcba6e9dd09e1cb497454f0b256b490",
"mime_type": "application/octet-stream",
"last_access_time": "2020-11-24T17:29:48.818",
"last_write_time": "2020-11-07T14:14:08.711",
"creation_time": "2020-11-07T14:13:06.694",
"size": 769,
"hidden": true
"parent_data_type": "ShellLink",
"data_type": "File",
"timestamp": "2020-11-24T17:29:48.821",
"path": "C:\\evil.txt",
"md5": "1df1eae8c6c44484a840a40a0543cc59",
"mime_type": "text/plain",
"last_access_time": "2020-11-24T17:29:48.820",
"last_write_time": "2020-11-24T17:23:26.245",
"creation_time": "2020-11-24T17:23:17.173",
"size": 16,
"hidden": true
"parent_data_type": "Error",
"data_type": "Registry",
"timestamp": "2020-12-06T20:56:42.113",
"device_name": "DESKTOP-NDPUHM4",
"device_domain": "DESKTOP-NDPUHM4",
"device_type": "Windows 10",
"registry_hive": "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE",
"registry_key": "SOFTWARE\\WOW6432Node\\Systems Internals\\Can't touch me!\u0000",
"registry_value_name": "ERROR_READING",
"registry_type": "REG_ERROR",
"registry_value": "ERROR_READING",
"last_write_time": "",
"tags": [
"error": "The system cannot find the file specified. (os error 2)"