Jess Sand
Jess Sand
Assigning to MVP, as MVP will be a live site.
Related to #171
> I think the flag should exist in the `Collection` model as a field labeled `validated_at`. It will be null for unvalidated data and contain a datetime when it is...
1. An understandable concern. So if the Org Host user validates per `Collection`, then how does the system query, say, only validated data ranging across a series of Collections? In...
Maybe helpful?
@jayqi Just want to confirm that this is on hold until we finalize some of the design considerations, correct? I'm moving into `In Progress` regardless, given that we're actively working...
@wendy-wm-wu: I think we probably need to start breaking this issue out into implementable tickets for each of the MVP bullets: 1. Account creation (covered by prototype linked in "Related...
Power-ups are generally paid (I think). For the tagging/labels, the GH repo is overdue for a simplification; I feel like we have way too many labels to be useful. I...
@r-b-g-b @nbilenko I know you two put your heads together when creating the initial end points and we had also documented end point requirements across a couple of different issues...
My guess is a sign-in link based on the more recent work from @wendy-wm-wu and @sribbleinc.