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[FEATURE] Notes App, Description Section Modifications.
Detailed description
- [ ] In the md editor the bold/italic (and more) buttons do not work properly when we toggle them without an order.
- [ ] when we click on one of these buttons, it does not save the clicked state and does not displayed properly.
- [ ] add in the note description in edit/add note mode an option to pick/change the category
- about the md editor buttons make them work properly
- about the md editor buttons show the current state of each button
- about the option to pick/change the category in note description so the user could change the category of a note
Possible implementation
We can discuss if there is options to implement any of this points.
Additional information
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@ArkadiK94 Please assing this issue to me.
Could please tell me which component is this?
Or could you please explain the issue a bit more so that I can get the point?
he, u can join our community,
u can ask here in the thecyberhub channel for proper communication
@ArkadiK94 can explain this issue
src/components/Common/MarkdownEditor folder -> about the first and second point src/components/Dashboard/Notetaker folder -> about the third point
In the video , you can see that when you click on the bold/italic, it not work properly when you do it without order In addition, you can see ,for example, when I clicked B button, there is not a sign that it was clicked
In this note description, the user should have an option to change category/ pick a new one. @Sabbirfeni
@Sabbirfeni hmm, when I think about this the third point can be in separate issue. Tell me, if you prefer to work on some of the points , so I will create a different issue for the others.
bold is working but 10%, we just have to give values, to or font weight 600
@kabir0x23 Can we use tailwind css over styled component?
@kabir0x23 Can we use tailwind css over styled component?
we try too use styled components it's direct css, and it is easy to do changes, that's why we recommend css
like is u want to use tail, u can conver it into css using chatgpt
Okay, It may take time for me to explore how the you structured the component. However, I will use styled component and update the site.
@Sabbirfeni Hi, do you work on this issue?