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Symfony Bundle for Atlassian Connect platform
Atlassian Connect Bundle
Symfony Bundle for Atlassian Connect platform
Step 1. Add bundle to composer dependencies
composer require thecatontheflat/atlassian-connect-bundle
Step 2. Enable the bundle
Add the bundle to config/bundles.php
return [
// ... other bundles
AtlassianConnectBundle\AtlassianConnectBundle::class => ['all' => true],
Step 3. Bundle configuration
The bundle descriptor is used to install your app on Atlassian. When requesting descriptor - this configuration is converted to JSON.
Sample configuration in packages/atlassian-connect.yaml
dev_tenant: 1
key: 'your-addon-key'
name: 'Your Add-On Name'
description: 'Your Add-On Description'
type: jwt
name: 'Your Vendor Name'
url: ''
baseUrl: ''
installed: '/handshake'
scopes: ['READ', 'WRITE', 'ACT_AS_USER'] # If you want get oauth_client_id need to add scope ACT_AS_USER
key: 'your-addon-key-tab'
url: '/protected/list?issue=${issue.key}'
weight: 100
value: 'Tab Name'
If you need to overwrite any config in dev/test environment, overwrite that config in the packages/{env}/atlassian-connect.yaml
Step 4. Security configuration
To configure security part - use the following configuration in your security.yml
. If you have another firewall that has the "^/"
pattern, be sure to set the jwt_secured_area
firewall first.
enable_authenticator_manager: true
id: jwt_user_provider
- AtlassianConnectBundle\Security\JWTAuthenticator
pattern: "^/protected"
stateless: true
provider: jwt_user_provider
# If you also need an entry_point
entry_point: AtlassianConnectBundle\Security\JWTAuthenticator
Step 5. Include Routes
Add the following configuration to config/routes.yaml
resource: "@AtlassianConnectBundle/Resources/config/routing.php"
Step 6. (Optional): Configure License Check
To perform a license check for a certain route - specify the requires_license
default in your routing.yml
path: ...
requires_license: true
Step 7. Update Database
bin/console doctrine:schema:update --force
Usage Examples
Signed Request
In your protected controller action you can make a signed request to JIRA instance:
<?php declare(strict_types = 1);
namespace App\Controller;
use AtlassianConnectBundle\Service\AtlassianRestClient;
use Sensio\Bundle\FrameworkExtraBundle\Configuration\Route;
use Symfony\Bundle\FrameworkBundle\Controller\Controller;
use Symfony\Component\HttpFoundation\Response;
* @Route("/protected")
class ProtectedController extends Controller
* @Route("/", name="main")
public function index()
$client = $this->container->get(AtlassianRestClientInterface::class);
// Or
// $client = $this->container->get('atlassian_connect_rest_client');
// If you are not in a security context fetch the tenant first
// $client->setTenant($tenant);
// If you want to impersonate the user
// $client->actAsUser($this->getUser()->getUserName())
// Send request from anonymous plugin user
$issue = $client->get('/rest/api/2/issue/KEY-XXX');
// Send request from choosen user
$user = $client
->setUser('5ds4e4352a12451789b13243') // the accountId of the user in Jira/Confluence etc.
return new Response([$issue, $user]);
Whitelisting licences
You could whitelist any licence by editing related row in table tenant and setting field is_white_listed to 1. If you will also set white_listed_until - you will be able to set whitelist expiration
Dev environment
In dev environment Tenant with id=1 would be used automatically. You could set configuration variable atlassian_connect.dev_tenant to false in order to disable it, or use another dev tenant id. It would allow you to test your plugin output for any tenant.
Custom tenant entity
If you need to add more properties to tenant entity or reverse-side of your app entity relations - you could override default Tenant entity like
namespace AppBundle\Entity;
use Doctrine\ORM\Mapping as ORM;
use AtlassianConnectBundle\Entity\TenantTrait;
use AtlassianConnectBundle\Entity\TenantInterface;
use Symfony\Component\Security\Core\User\UserInterface;
* JiraTenant
* @ORM\Table()
* @ORM\HasLifecycleCallbacks()
* @ORM\Entity()
class JiraTenant implements UserInterface, TenantInterface
* @ORM\OneToMany(type="MyEntity", mappedBy="jiraTenant")
protected $myEntities;
use TenantTrait;
// getters/setters for your custom properties
And override default one by setting parameter
atlassian_connect_tenant_entity_class: AppBundle\Entity\JiraTenant
In order to use it you will need to disable doctrine automapping
auto_mapping: false
AppBundle: ~
Cant start free trial of my plugin on Jira Cloud
As soon as you will create your plugin - you will be able to access plugin manifest via url
You will be able to setup it in "Manage Addons" section of your Jira Cloud using "Upload addon" interface. But right now AtlassianConnectBundle support only "paid via Atlassian" model, so you will not be able to start your trial.
Instead of using manifest url directly - you should add private listing of your plugin, create token and get manifest url like
If you will use that url from marketplace - your trial will be started automatically.