Yan Cui
Yan Cui
Is the problem the `invocation timed out` message, if so, there's a simpler solution to let you customize the log message itself. But sounds like the problem you actually have,...
Ok, let's keep this ticket for the custom logger thread since that's where we started off on. I'm gonna start a [new issue](#99) for metrics. For that, the simplest thing...
Are you deploying using the Serverless framework?
ok, then here are the things you're going to need: * in the `serverless.yml` use the `serverless-apigw-binary` to add `application/x-protobuf` as a media type that should be treated as binary...
Yup, trying to make using LLRT easier with the Serverless Framework! I don't think it's necessary to provide the bootstrap file in the bundle, it's easy enough to bundle that...
Hi guys, thanks for reporting this. Sadly this project is no longer necessary, per se, as I have published a version of this as a SAR app, [here](https://serverlessrepo.aws.amazon.com/applications/arn:aws:serverlessrepo:us-east-1:374852340823:applications~auto-subscribe-log-group-to-arn) which lets...
Hi, haven't seen any update for a while, is the NFX project still alive and going to be available soon?
Sure, count me in :-)
first decide on the testing strategy - does it make sense to mock up the SWF response?
e.g. WF ++> Try Activity1 OnError ActivityOnFail Finally ActivityOnFinally ++> Activity2 where Activity2 is only executed if Activity1 completed, otherwise ActivityOnFail is executed, but regardless ActivityOnFinally will always be executed.