Thebora Kompanioni

Results 61 comments of Thebora Kompanioni

> Not sure about the primary/secondary naming, as mentioned, but maybe I'm misunderstanding things. Introduced "backend types" `native` and `jam-standalone` in the `setupProxy` script. Everything can be controlled by environment...

This can now be worked on as is resolved.

> It seems `jmwalletd` will unfreeze timelocked funds when the expiry date has passed - at least if you deposit to an address with a timelock in the past; no...

> So you mean we should completely ignore timelocked UTXOs? I'm not sure I understand what you're suggesting correctly. At the time the statement was made the believe was that...

So, after testing this again, it seems everything is handled correctly. We might have another issue with getting rid of expired non-frozed FB utxo, though: As this is not...

Currently (and I am saying this for some time now), Jam is very light on user feedback. The only way to know what is going on is by inspecting the...

> Looks like we're [only checking Jar #0 for UTXOs]( which might well be a bug. The scheduler can start from any jar IIRC. Do you know more @theborakompanioni? As...

This should be fixed once and for all after has been merged and integrated with Jam v0.1.0. Please reopen on demand if it ever happens again.

> I am familiar with MyNode's software design, so I can take this up. However, I would like to know if we want to install it as Docker image or...

Also, we need to come up with default values (or setting them by some other mechanism) for `max_cj_fee_abs` and/or `max_cj_fee_rel` as they are needed before sending payments via the jsonrpc...