BatteryBoi icon indicating copy to clipboard operation
BatteryBoi copied to clipboard

👋🏻 Language Support Help Wanted!

Open thebarbican19 opened this issue 1 year ago • 50 comments

I set out to make BatteryBoi for everyone with a Mac, that's why it's free, fully open-source and backward-compatible for v11+. But the final task in making it 100% accessible is to provide full language support for anyone who doesn't speak English.

With that, I need your help, either with corrections or complete translations for languages that are in non-Latin characters
BatteryBoi now has support for the following languages...

Unverified (Auto Translated)

Verified by the Community

For languages not listed above, the format is as follows... Reply in the comments with the full translation.

"AlertSomePercentTitle" = "%d%% Remaining"; // 90% Remaining "AlertOnePercentTitle" = "Your Mac is about to Power Down"; "AlertChargingTitle" = "Charging..."; "AlertChargingStoppedTitle" = "Charger Removed"; "AlertChargingCompleteTitle" = "Charging Complete"; "AlertDeviceConnectedTitle" = "'%@' Connected"; //'Joe's Headphones' Connected "AlertDeviceDisconnectedTitle" = "'%@' Disconnected"; //'Joe's Headphones' Disconnected "AlertDeviceUnknownTitle" = "Unknown"; "AlertDeviceCalculatingTitle" = "Calculating...";

"AlertEstimateSummary" = "%@ until empty"; // 1 hour, 32 minutes until empty "AlertPercentSummary" = "Time to grab the cable!"; "AlertStartedChargeSummary" = "Fully charged at %@."; // Fully charged at 2:32pm "AlertChargedSummary" = "Your battery is fully charged.";

"TimestampHourFullLabel_Plural" = "%d hours"; "TimestampHourFullLabel_Single" = "%d hour"; "TimestampMinuteFullLabel_Plural" = "%d minutes"; "TimestampMinuteFullLabel_Single" = "%d minute"; "TimestampMinuteDaysLabel_Plural" = "%d days"; "TimestampHourAbbriviatedLabel" = "h"; "TimestampMinuteAbbriviatedLabel" = "m"; "TimestampDayAbbriviatedLabel" = "d"; "TimestampNeverLabel" = "Never"; "TimestampNowLabel" = "A Few Moments Ago";

"SettingsWebsiteLabel" = "Website"; "SettingsQuitLabel" = "Quit"; "SettingsThemeLabel" = "Appearance"; "SettingsEfficiencyLabel" = "Low Power"; "SettingsCheckUpdatesLabel" = "Check for Updates"; "SettingsNewUpdateLabel" = "Install New Update"; "SettingsDisplayLabel" = "Display"; "SettingsDisplayPercentLabel" = "Percentage"; "SettingsDisplayEstimateLabel" = "Time"; "SettingsDisplayNoneLabel" = "Empty"; "SettingsDisplayRemovedLabel" = "Menu Bar Icon Hidden"; "SettingsEnabledLabel" = "Enabled"; "SettingsDisabledLabel" = "Disabled"; "SettingsAboutLabel" = "About"; "SettingsCustomizationLabel" = "Customisation"; "SettingsSoundEffectsLabel" = "Sound Effects"; "SettingsTriggersLabel" = "Commands"; "SettingsNotificationsLabel" = "Notifications"; "SettingsPrereleasesLabel" = "Beta Releases";

"SettingsDisplayCycleLabel" = "Cycle Count"; "SettingsPinnedLabel" = "Pin to Screen"; "SettingsRateLabel" = "Rate BatteryBoi";

"SettingsCustomizationMenuLabel" = "Menu Bar Icon"; "SettingsCustomizationThemeDarkLabel" = "Dark"; "SettingsCustomizationThemeLightLabel" = "Light"; "SettingsCustomizationThemeSystemLabel" = "System"; "SettingsCustomizationThemeTitle" = "Appearance";

"UpdateStatusCheckingLabel" = "Checking for Updates..."; "UpdateStatusIdleLabel" = "Last Checked: %@"; // Last Checked: 4 hours ago "UpdateStatusEmptyLabel" = "No Updates Available"; "UpdateStatusNewLabel" = "New Update Available!";

"AboutTitle" = "BatteryBoi, Free, Forever, for Everyone..."; "AboutBodyOne" = "In the bustling app-scape where wallets often weep at reoccurring subscriptions. BatteryBoi is 100% free & Open-Source, forever!"; "AboutBodyTwo" = "Crafting this app that looks this good is many days of work, blood sweat, and sometimes tears. That's why I am asking for people & businesses who can afford it to please consider donating."; "AboutBodyThree" = "Donations will keep the lights on and the updates/fixes flowing."; "AboutBodyFooter" = "Thank you - Joe (Founder of BatteryBoi)"; "AboutGithubAction" = "GitHub"; "AboutDonateAction" = "Donate"; "AboutShareAction" = "Share";

"BluetoothDeviceHeadphonesLabel" = "Headphones"; "BluetoothDeviceMouseLabel" = "Mouse"; "BluetoothDeviceGamepadLabel" = "Gaming Controller"; "BluetoothDeviceSpeakerLabel" = "Speaker"; "BluetoothDeviceKeyboardLabel" = "Keyboard"; "BluetoothDeviceOtherLabel" = "Other"; "BluetoothConnectLabel" = "Connect"; "BluetoothDisconnectLabel" = "Disconnect"; "BluetoothDistanceProximateLabel" = "On the Desk/Table"; "BluetoothDistanceNearLabel" = "In the same Room"; "BluetoothDistanceFarLabel" = "In another Realm";

thebarbican19 avatar Aug 30 '23 17:08 thebarbican19

I translated them into Japanese.

You can use them if you like.

"AlertSomePercentTitle" = "%d%%残っています"; // 90%残っています "AlertOnePercentTitle" = "お使いのMacは間もなく電源が切れます"; "AlertChargingTitle" = "充電中..."; "AlertChargingStoppedTitle" = "充電器が取り外されました"; "AlertChargingCompleteTitle" = "充電済み"; "AlertDeviceConnectedTitle" = "'%@'が接続されました"; //'Joe's Headphones'が接続されました "AlertDeviceDisconnectedTitle" = "'%@'の接続が解除されました"; //'Joe's Headphones'の接続が解除されました "AlertDeviceUnknownTitle" = "不明"; "AlertDeviceCalculatingTitle" = "計算中...";

"AlertEstimateSummary" = "充電が無くなるまで %@"; // 充電が無くなるまで 1時間32分 "AlertPercentSummary" = "ケーブルに繋ぐ時間です!"; "AlertStartedChargeSummary" = "%@ に充電完了"; // 2:32pm に充電完了 "AlertChargedSummary" = "バッテリーは完全に充電されています。";

"TimestampHourFullLabel_Plural" = "%d時間"; "TimestampHourFullLabel_Single" = "%d時間"; "TimestampMinuteFullLabel_Plural" = "%d分"; "TimestampMinuteFullLabel_Single" = "%d分"; "TimestampMinuteDaysLabel_Plural" = "%d日"; "TimestampHourAbbriviatedLabel" = "h"; "TimestampMinuteAbbriviatedLabel" = "m"; "TimestampDayAbbriviatedLabel" = "d"; "TimestampNeverLabel" = "なし"; "TimestampNowLabel" = "数分前";

"SettingsWebsiteLabel" = "ウェブサイト"; "SettingsQuitLabel" = "終了"; "SettingsThemeLabel" = "外観"; "SettingsEfficiencyLabel" = "低電力"; "SettingsCheckUpdatesLabel" = "アップデートを確認"; "SettingsNewUpdateLabel" = "新しいアップデートをインストール"; "SettingsDisplayLabel" = "表示"; "SettingsDisplayPercentLabel" = "パーセンテージ"; "SettingsDisplayEstimateLabel" = "時間"; "SettingsDisplayNoneLabel" = "なし"; "SettingsDisplayRemovedLabel" = "メニューバーのアイコンを非表示"; "SettingsEnabledLabel" = "有効"; "SettingsDisabledLabel" = "無効";

"UpdateStatusCheckingLabel" = "アップデートを確認..."; "UpdateStatusIdleLabel" = "最後に確認した時刻: %@"; // 最後に確認した時刻: 4時間前 "UpdateStatusEmptyLabel" = "利用可能なアップデートはありません"; "UpdateStatusNewLabel" = "新しいアップデートが利用可能です!";

yk4to avatar Aug 31 '23 00:08 yk4to

Thank you so much @fus1ondev, I just wanna check this is a direct translation and not from google translate or chatgpt?

thebarbican19 avatar Aug 31 '23 01:08 thebarbican19

Of course, it is a direct translation. I tried to keep the wording as close to that of Apple and other apps as possible.

yk4to avatar Aug 31 '23 01:08 yk4to

Fantastic, I have already added it into the app, it will be available in the next release. Thank you!

thebarbican19 avatar Aug 31 '23 01:08 thebarbican19

Dutch Translation:

"AlertSomePercentTitle" = "%d%% Beschikbaar"; // 90% Beschikbaar
"AlertOnePercentTitle" = "Je Mac sluit zo dadelijk af";
"AlertChargingTitle" = "Laden...";
"AlertChargingStoppedTitle" = "Oplader Verwijderd";
"AlertChargingCompleteTitle" = "Opladen Gereed";
"AlertDeviceConnectedTitle" = "'%@' Verbonden"; //'Joe's Headphones' Verbonden
"AlertDeviceDisconnectedTitle" = "'%@' Ontkoppeld"; //'Joe's Headphones' Ontkoppeld
"AlertDeviceUnknownTitle" = "Onbekend";
"AlertDeviceCalculatingTitle" = "Aan het rekenen...";
"AlertEstimateSummary" = "%@ totdat de batterij leeg is"; // 1 uur, 32 minuten totdat de batterij leeg is
"AlertPercentSummary" = "Tijd om op te laden!";
"AlertStartedChargeSummary" = "Volledig opgeladen om %@."; // Volledig opgeladen om 14:32u
"AlertChargedSummary" = "De batterij is volledig opgeladen.";
"TimestampHourFullLabel_Plural" = "%d uren";
"TimestampHourFullLabel_Single" = "%d uur";
"TimestampMinuteFullLabel_Plural" = "%d minuten";
"TimestampMinuteFullLabel_Single" = "%d minuut";
"TimestampMinuteDaysLabel_Plural" = "%d dagen";
"TimestampHourAbbriviatedLabel" = "h";
"TimestampMinuteAbbriviatedLabel" = "m";
"TimestampDayAbbriviatedLabel" = "d";
"TimestampNeverLabel" = "Nooit";
"TimestampNowLabel" = "Zojuist";
"SettingsWebsiteLabel" = "Website";
"SettingsQuitLabel" = "Afsluiten";
"SettingsThemeLabel" = "Uiterlijk";
"SettingsEfficiencyLabel" = "Laag Vermogen";
"SettingsCheckUpdatesLabel" = "Check voor Updates";
"SettingsNewUpdateLabel" = "Installeer Nieuwe Update";
"SettingsDisplayLabel" = "Beeldscherm";
"SettingsDisplayPercentLabel" = "Percentage";
"SettingsDisplayEstimateLabel" = "Tijd";
"SettingsDisplayNoneLabel" = "Leeg";
"SettingsDisplayRemovedLabel" = "Icoon Menu Balk Verborgen";
"SettingsEnabledLabel" = "Ingeschakeld";
"SettingsDisabledLabel" = "Uitgeschakeld";
"UpdateStatusCheckingLabel" = "Op Updates Controleren...";
"UpdateStatusIdleLabel" = "Laatste controle: %@"; // Laatste Controle: 4 uur geleden
"UpdateStatusEmptyLabel" = "Geen Updates Beschikbaar";
"UpdateStatusNewLabel" = "Nieuwe Update Beschikbaar!";

joostiphone avatar Aug 31 '23 06:08 joostiphone

Russian translation:

"AlertSomePercentTitle" = "%d%% Осталось"; // 90% Осталось "AlertOnePercentTitle" = "Ваш Mac скоро выключится"; "AlertChargingTitle" = "Зарядка.."; "AlertChargingStoppedTitle" = "Зарядное устройство удалено"; "AlertChargingCompleteTitle" = "Зарядка завершена"; "AlertDeviceConnectedTitle" = "'%@' Подключено"; // Наушники Джо подключены "AlertDeviceDisconnectedTitle" = "'%@' Отключено"; //Наушники Джо отключены "AlertDeviceUnknownTitle" = "Неизвестно"; "AlertDeviceCalculatingTitle" = "Подсчет..."; "AlertEstimateSummary" = "Заряда хватит на %@ "; // Заряда хватит на 1 час 32 минуты "AlertPercentSummary" = "Пора искать зарядное устройство!"; "AlertStartedChargeSummary" = "Батарея будет заряжена к %@."; // Батарея будет заряжена к 14:32 "AlertChargedSummary" = "Батарея полностью заряжена."; "TimestampHourFullLabel_Plural" = "%d часа"; "TimestampHourFullLabel_Single" = "%d час"; "TimestampMinuteFullLabel_Plural" = "%d минуты"; "TimestampMinuteFullLabel_Single" = "%d минута"; "TimestampMinuteDaysLabel_Plural" = "%d дней"; "TimestampHourAbbriviatedLabel" = "ч"; "TimestampMinuteAbbriviatedLabel" = "м"; "TimestampDayAbbriviatedLabel" = "д"; "TimestampNeverLabel" = "Никогда"; "TimestampNowLabel" = Недавно"; "SettingsWebsiteLabel" = "Сайт"; "SettingsQuitLabel" = "Выйти"; "SettingsThemeLabel" = "Внешний вид"; "SettingsEfficiencyLabel" = Режим энергосбережения"; "SettingsCheckUpdatesLabel" = "Проверить"; "SettingsNewUpdateLabel" = "Установить новое обновление"; "SettingsDisplayLabel" = "Отображение"; "SettingsDisplayPercentLabel" = "Процент"; "SettingsDisplayEstimateLabel" = "Время"; "SettingsDisplayNoneLabel" = "Пусто"; "SettingsDisplayRemovedLabel" = "Скрыть иконку в строке меню"; "SettingsEnabledLabel" = "Включено"; "SettingsDisabledLabel" = "Выключено"; "UpdateStatusCheckingLabel" = "Проверка на наличие новых обновлений..."; "UpdateStatusIdleLabel" = "Последняя проверка: %@"; // Последняя проверка: 4 часа назад "UpdateStatusEmptyLabel" = "Обновлений нет"; "UpdateStatusNewLabel" = "Доступно обновление!";

ko-oler avatar Aug 31 '23 16:08 ko-oler

Turkish translation:

"AlertSomePercentTitle" = "Kalan %%d%"; // Kalan %90
"AlertOnePercentTitle" = "Mac'iniz Kapanmak Üzere";
"AlertChargingTitle" = "Şarj oluyor...";
"AlertChargingStoppedTitle" = "Şarj Aleti Çıkarıldı";
"AlertChargingCompleteTitle" = "Şarj Tamamlandı";
"AlertDeviceConnectedTitle" = "'%@' Bağlandı";  // 'Joe'nun Kulaklıkları' Bağlandı
"AlertDeviceDisconnectedTitle" = "'%@' Bağlantısı Kesildi"; // 'Joe'nun Kulaklıkları' Bağlantısı Kesildi
"AlertDeviceUnknownTitle" = "Bilinmeyen";
"AlertDeviceCalculatingTitle" = "Hesaplanıyor...";
"AlertEstimateSummary" = "%@ kaldı"; // 1 saat, 32 dakika kaldı
"AlertPercentSummary" = "Şarj kablosunu takma zamanı!";
"AlertStartedChargeSummary" = "Saat %@' de tam şarj oldu."; // Saat 2:32'de tam şarj oldu
"AlertChargedSummary" = "Piliniz tamamen şarj oldu.";
"TimestampHourFullLabel_Plural" = "%d saat";
"TimestampHourFullLabel_Single" = "%d saat";
"TimestampMinuteFullLabel_Plural" = "%d dakika";
"TimestampMinuteFullLabel_Single" = "%d dakika";
"TimestampMinuteDaysLabel_Plural" = "%d gün";
"TimestampHourAbbriviatedLabel" = "s";
"TimestampMinuteAbbriviatedLabel" = "d";
"TimestampDayAbbriviatedLabel" = "g";
"TimestampNeverLabel" = "Hiç";
"TimestampNowLabel" = "Birkaç Dakika Önce";
"SettingsWebsiteLabel" = "Web Sitesi";
"SettingsQuitLabel" = "Çıkış";
"SettingsThemeLabel" = "Görünüm";
"SettingsEfficiencyLabel" = "Düşük Güç";
"SettingsCheckUpdatesLabel" = "Güncellemeleri Kontrol Et";
"SettingsNewUpdateLabel" = "Yeni Güncellemeyi Yükle";
"SettingsDisplayLabel" = "Gösterge";
"SettingsDisplayPercentLabel" = "Yüzde";
"SettingsDisplayEstimateLabel" = "Süre";
"SettingsDisplayNoneLabel" = "Boş";
"SettingsDisplayRemovedLabel" = "Menü Çubuğu Simgesi Gizlendi";
"SettingsEnabledLabel" = "Etkin";
"SettingsDisabledLabel" = "Devre Dışı";
"UpdateStatusCheckingLabel" = "Güncellemeler Kontrol Ediliyor...";
"UpdateStatusIdleLabel" = "Son Kontrol: %@"; // Son Kontrol: 4 saat önce
"UpdateStatusEmptyLabel" = "İndirilebilir Güncelleme Yok";
"UpdateStatusNewLabel" = "Yeni Güncelleme Mevcut!";

kalonya avatar Aug 31 '23 17:08 kalonya

Thanks so much to @kalonya, @fus1ondev, @joostiphone & @ko-oler you guys are legends. All these translations have been added to the app and will be live in the next launch.

I have credited you all in the main readme but let me know if there is anything else I can do?

thebarbican19 avatar Aug 31 '23 18:08 thebarbican19

Traditional Chinese:

"AlertSomePercentTitle" = “剩餘電量 %d%%”; // 90% Remaining
 "AlertOnePercentTitle" = “”您的Mac即將關閉;
 "AlertChargingTitle" = "正在充電...”;
 "AlertChargingStoppedTitle" = “充電結束”;
 "AlertChargingCompleteTitle" = “電量已滿”;
 "AlertDeviceConnectedTitle" = "'%@' 已連線”; //'Joe's Headphones' Connected
 "AlertDeviceDisconnectedTitle" = "'%@' 已斷開”; //'Joe's Headphones' Disconnected
 "AlertDeviceUnknownTitle" = “未知裝置”;
 "AlertDeviceCalculatingTitle" = “正在計算...”; "AlertEstimateSummary" = “剩餘可用 %@“; // 1 hour, 32 minutes until empty
 "AlertPercentSummary" = “請連接電源!”;
 "AlertStartedChargeSummary" = "已於 %@ 充滿."; // Fully charged at 2:32pm
 "AlertChargedSummary" = “您的Mac電量已滿.”; "TimestampHourFullLabel_Plural" = "%d 時”;
 "TimestampHourFullLabel_Single" = "%d 時”;
 "TimestampMinuteFullLabel_Plural" = "%d 分”;
 "TimestampMinuteFullLabel_Single" = "%d 分”;
 "TimestampMinuteDaysLabel_Plural" = "%d 日”;
 "TimestampHourAbbriviatedLabel" = "h";
 "TimestampMinuteAbbriviatedLabel" = "m";
 "TimestampDayAbbriviatedLabel" = "d";
 "TimestampNeverLabel" = “從不”;
 "TimestampNowLabel" = “剛剛”; "SettingsWebsiteLabel" = “主頁”;
 "SettingsQuitLabel" = “退出”;
 "SettingsThemeLabel" = “外觀”;
 "SettingsEfficiencyLabel" = “低能耗模式”;
 "SettingsCheckUpdatesLabel" = “檢查更新”;
 "SettingsNewUpdateLabel" = “安裝更新”;
 "SettingsDisplayLabel" = “顯示設定”;
 "SettingsDisplayPercentLabel" = “百分比”;
 "SettingsDisplayEstimateLabel" = “可用時間”;
 "SettingsDisplayNoneLabel" = “無”;
 "SettingsDisplayRemovedLabel" = “在工具列隱藏圖示”; 
"SettingsEnabledLabel" = “啓用”;
 "SettingsDisabledLabel" = “禁用”; "UpdateStatusCheckingLabel" = “正在檢查更新”; 
"UpdateStatusIdleLabel" = “上次檢查: %@"; // Last Checked: 4 hours ago
 "UpdateStatusEmptyLabel" = “暫無更新”;
 "UpdateStatusNewLabel" = “更新可用”;

SEKY443 avatar Sep 01 '23 16:09 SEKY443

And also Simplified Chinese:

"AlertSomePercentTitle" = “剩余电量 %d%%”; // 90% Remaining
 "AlertOnePercentTitle" = “”您的Mac即将关机;
 "AlertChargingTitle" = "正在充电...”;
 "AlertChargingStoppedTitle" = “充电结束”;
 "AlertChargingCompleteTitle" = “电量已满”;
 "AlertDeviceConnectedTitle" = "'%@' 已连接”; //'Joe's Headphones' Connected
 "AlertDeviceDisconnectedTitle" = "'%@' 已断开”; //'Joe's Headphones' Disconnected
 "AlertDeviceUnknownTitle" = “未知设备”;
 "AlertDeviceCalculatingTitle" = “正在计算...”; "AlertEstimateSummary" = “剩余可用 %@“; // 1 hour, 32 minutes until empty
 "AlertPercentSummary" = “请连接电源!”;
 "AlertStartedChargeSummary" = "已于 %@ 完成充电."; // Fully charged at 2:32pm
 "AlertChargedSummary" = “您的Mac电量已满.”; "TimestampHourFullLabel_Plural" = "%d 时”;
 "TimestampHourFullLabel_Single" = "%d 时”;
 "TimestampMinuteFullLabel_Plural" = "%d 分”;
 "TimestampMinuteFullLabel_Single" = "%d 分”;
 "TimestampMinuteDaysLabel_Plural" = "%d 日”;
 "TimestampHourAbbriviatedLabel" = "h";
 "TimestampMinuteAbbriviatedLabel" = "m";
 "TimestampDayAbbriviatedLabel" = "d";
 "TimestampNeverLabel" = “从未”;
 "TimestampNowLabel" = “刚刚”; "SettingsWebsiteLabel" = “主页”;
 "SettingsQuitLabel" = “退出”;
 "SettingsThemeLabel" = “外观”;
 "SettingsEfficiencyLabel" = “低能耗模式”;
 "SettingsCheckUpdatesLabel" = “检查更新”;
 "SettingsNewUpdateLabel" = “安装更新”;
 "SettingsDisplayLabel" = “显示设置”;
 "SettingsDisplayPercentLabel" = “百分比”;
 "SettingsDisplayEstimateLabel" = “可用时间”;
 "SettingsDisplayNoneLabel" = “无”;
 "SettingsDisplayRemovedLabel" = “在工具栏隐藏图标”; 
"SettingsEnabledLabel" = “启用”;
 "SettingsDisabledLabel" = “禁用”; "UpdateStatusCheckingLabel" = “正在检查更新”; 
"UpdateStatusIdleLabel" = “上次检查: %@"; // Last Checked: 4 hours ago
 "UpdateStatusEmptyLabel" = “暂无更新”;
 "UpdateStatusNewLabel" = “更新可用”;

SEKY443 avatar Sep 01 '23 16:09 SEKY443

Thank you so much @Shane1119, I have added it to both the app and the readme, and it will be available in the next release.

thebarbican19 avatar Sep 01 '23 16:09 thebarbican19

Hey @joostiphone, @kalonya, @Shane1119, @fus1ondev, @ko-oler would you mind translating these new keys. These will cover the next few updates.

"AboutTitle" = "BatteryBoi, Free, Forever, for Everyone..."; "AboutBodyOne" = "In the bustling app-scape where wallets often weep at reoccurring subscriptions. BatteryBoi is 100% free & Open-Source, forever!"; "AboutBodyTwo" = "Crafting this app that looks this good is many days of work, blood sweat, and sometimes tears. That's why I am asking for people & businesses who can afford it to please consider donating."; "AboutBodyThree" = "Donations will keep the lights on and the updates/fixes flowing."; "AboutBodyFooter" = "Thank you - Joe (Founder of BatteryBoi)"; "AboutGithubAction" = "GitHub"; "AboutDonateAction" = "Donate"; "AboutShareAction" = "Share";

"SettingsAboutLabel" = "About"; "SettingsCustomizationLabel" = "Customisation"; "SettingsSoundEffectsLabel" = "Sound Effects"; "SettingsTriggersLabel" = "Commands"; "SettingsNotificationsLabel" = "Notifications"; "SettingsPrereleasesLabel" = "Beta Releases";

"SettingsCustomizationMenuLabel" = "Menu Bar Icon"; "SettingsCustomizationThemeDarkLabel" = "Dark"; "SettingsCustomizationThemeLightLabel" = "Light"; "SettingsCustomizationThemeSystemLabel" = "System"; "SettingsCustomizationThemeTitle" = "Appearance";

thebarbican19 avatar Sep 01 '23 22:09 thebarbican19

Sure! Dutch translation:

"AboutTitle" = "BatteryBoi, Gratis, Altijd, voor Iedereen...";
"AboutBodyOne" = "In het drukke app-landschap waar portemonnees vaak huilen door terugkerende abonnementen. BatteryBoi is 100% gratis & Open-Source, voor altijd!";
"AboutBodyTwo" = "Het is vele dagen werk, bloed, zweet en soms tranen om deze app te ontwikkelen die er zo goed uitziet. Daarom vraag ik mensen en bedrijven die het zich kunnen veroorloven om een donatie te overwegen.";
"AboutBodyThree" = "Donaties zorgen ervoor dat het licht blijft branden en dat er updates/fixes blijven komen.";
"AboutBodyFooter" = "Bedankt - Joe (Oprichter van BatteryBoi)";
"AboutGithubAction" = "GitHub";
"AboutDonateAction" = "Doneer";
"AboutShareAction" = "Deel"; "SettingsAboutLabel" = "Over";
"SettingsCustomizationLabel" = "Personaliseer";
"SettingsSoundEffectsLabel" = "Geluideffecten";
"SettingsTriggersLabel" = "Commando’s";
"SettingsNotificationsLabel" = "Berichten";
"SettingsPrereleasesLabel" = "Beta Versies"; "SettingsCustomizationMenuLabel" = "Menubalk Icoon";
"SettingsCustomizationThemeDarkLabel" = "Donker";
"SettingsCustomizationThemeLightLabel" = "Licht";
"SettingsCustomizationThemeSystemLabel" = "Systeem";
"SettingsCustomizationThemeTitle" = "Systeem";

joostiphone avatar Sep 02 '23 06:09 joostiphone

Turkish translation of the new keys (

"AboutTitle" = "BatteryBoi, Herkes için ücretsiz, sınırsız...";
"AboutBodyOne" = "Cüzdanların tekrarlayan abonelikler karşısında sık sık inlediği yoğun uygulama dünyasında, BatteryBoi sonuna dek %100 ücretsiz ve Açık-Kaynak!";
"AboutBodyTwo" = "Bu kalitede bir uygulamanın hazırlanması, günler süren çalışmanın, kan ve terin, bazen de gözyaşlarının sonucudur. Bu yüzden, lütfen, maddi durumu elverişli olan kişi ve işletmelerden bağış yapmayı düşünmelerini rica ediyorum.";
"AboutBodyThree" = "Bağışlar, projemizin ayakta kalmasını sağlayacak ve güncellemelerin/duzeltmelerin devam etmesine yardımcı olacaktır.";
"AboutBodyFooter" = "Teşekkürler - Joe (BatteryBoi'nin Kurucusu)";
"AboutGithubAction" = "GitHub";
"AboutDonateAction" = "Bağış Yap";
"AboutShareAction" = "Paylaş";
"SettingsAboutLabel" = "Hakkında";
"SettingsCustomizationLabel" = "Özelleştirme";
"SettingsSoundEffectsLabel" = "Ses Efektleri";
"SettingsTriggersLabel" = "Komutlar";
"SettingsNotificationsLabel" = "Bildirimler";
"SettingsPrereleasesLabel" = "Beta Sürümler";
"SettingsCustomizationMenuLabel" = "Menü Çubuğu Simgesi";
"SettingsCustomizationThemeDarkLabel" = "Koyu";
"SettingsCustomizationThemeLightLabel" = "Açık";
"SettingsCustomizationThemeSystemLabel" = "Sistem";
"SettingsCustomizationThemeTitle" = "Sistem";

kalonya avatar Sep 02 '23 08:09 kalonya

Thanks @kalonya & @joostiphone, you guys rock!

thebarbican19 avatar Sep 03 '23 01:09 thebarbican19

Japanese translation of the new keys is here:

"AboutTitle" = "BatteryBoi、無料、いつまでも、誰にでも..."; "AboutBodyOne" = "アプリの喧騒に揉まれ、繰り返すサブスクリプションに財布が泣いている中、BatteryBoiはいつまでも100%無料&オープンソースです!"; "AboutBodyTwo" = "このアプリをここまで仕上げるために、多くの日々を費やし、血と汗と、時には涙を流してきました。だから、皆さんや企業の方々には余裕があれば寄付をお願いしているのです。"; "AboutBodyThree" = "寄付によって、明かりは灯ったままになり、アップデートや修正を続けることができるでしょう。"; "AboutBodyFooter" = "ありがとう - Joe(BatteryBoiの創設者)"; "AboutGithubAction" = "GitHub"; "AboutDonateAction" = "寄付"; "AboutShareAction" = "共有";

"SettingsAboutLabel" = "情報"; "SettingsCustomizationLabel" = "カスタマイズ"; "SettingsSoundEffectsLabel" = "サウンドエフェクト"; "SettingsTriggersLabel" = "コマンド"; "SettingsNotificationsLabel" = "通知"; "SettingsPrereleasesLabel" = "ベータリリース";

"SettingsCustomizationMenuLabel" = "メニューバーアイコン"; "SettingsCustomizationThemeDarkLabel" = "ダーク"; "SettingsCustomizationThemeLightLabel" = "ライト"; "SettingsCustomizationThemeSystemLabel" = "システム"; "SettingsCustomizationThemeTitle" = "外観";

yk4to avatar Sep 03 '23 03:09 yk4to

Traditional Chinese:

"AboutTitle" = "BatteryBoi, 無常, 無限, 無邊...";
"AboutBodyOne" = "在使用萬千程式的過程中, 錢包常常因為扣款而啜泣. 不過BatteryBoi 會向你保證永久免費, 永久開源!";
"AboutBodyTwo" = "創造出這個小東西讓我好幾天沒合眼, 真的超累. 這就是為什麼我會希望一些個人或者商戶能夠稍稍捐贈一下我, 十分感謝.";
"AboutBodyThree" = "您的捐贈會幫助本程式的後續維護和更新, 以及我讓每天多喝上一小杯咖啡.";
"AboutBodyFooter" = "謝謝 - Joe (BatteryBoi 開發者)";
"AboutGithubAction" = "GitHub";
"AboutDonateAction" = "捐贈";
"AboutShareAction" = "分享";

"SettingsAboutLabel" = "關於";
"SettingsCustomizationLabel" = "客製化";
"SettingsSoundEffectsLabel" = "音效設定";
"SettingsTriggersLabel" = "快捷設定";
"SettingsNotificationsLabel" = "通知設定";
"SettingsPrereleasesLabel" = "測試版本";

"SettingsCustomizationMenuLabel" = "工具列圖示";
"SettingsCustomizationThemeDarkLabel" = "暗色";
"SettingsCustomizationThemeLightLabel" = "亮色";
"SettingsCustomizationThemeSystemLabel" = "自動";
"SettingsCustomizationThemeTitle" = "外觀設定";

Simplified Chinese:

"AboutTitle" = "BatteryBoi, 无偿, 无限, 无边...";
"AboutBodyOne" = "在使用万千程序的过程中, 钱包常常因为扣款而啜泣. 不过BatteryBoi 会向你保证永久免费, 永久开源!";
"AboutBodyTwo" = "创造出这个小东西让我好几天没合眼, 直接能把我累趴的. 这就是为甚我会希望一些个人或者商户能够稍稍捐赠一下我, 十分感谢.";
"AboutBodyThree" = "您的捐赠会帮助本程序的后续维护和更新, 以及我每天让我多喝上一小杯咖啡.";
"AboutBodyFooter" = "谢谢 - Joe (BatteryBoi 开发者)";
"AboutGithubAction" = "GitHub";
"AboutDonateAction" = "捐赠";
"AboutShareAction" = "分享";

"SettingsAboutLabel" = "关于";
"SettingsCustomizationLabel" = "自定义";
"SettingsSoundEffectsLabel" = "音效设置";
"SettingsTriggersLabel" = "快捷设置";
"SettingsNotificationsLabel" = "通知设置";
"SettingsPrereleasesLabel" = "测试版本";

"SettingsCustomizationMenuLabel" = "菜单栏图标";
"SettingsCustomizationThemeDarkLabel" = "暗色";
"SettingsCustomizationThemeLightLabel" = "亮色";
"SettingsCustomizationThemeSystemLabel" = "自动";
"SettingsCustomizationThemeTitle" = "外观设置";

By the way, can you change the Traditional Chinese flag to 🇹🇼(Taiwan, ROC)? The Simplified Chinese is used in 🇨🇳(China, PRC), and TC is used in 🇹🇼, 🇭🇰, 🇲🇴, not China mainland. thx

SEKY443 avatar Sep 03 '23 08:09 SEKY443

Russian translation of the new keys (

"AboutTitle" = "BatteryBoi, Бесплатный, Навсегда, для Всех..."; "AboutBodyOne" = "В мире приложений, где наши кошельки страдают от всевозможных подписок, BatteryBoi на 100% бесплатный и c открытым исходным кодом навсегда!"; "AboutBodyTwo" = "Создание приложения с такими красивым интерфейсом потребовало много дней усердной работы, пота и иногда даже слез. Поэтому я прошу людей и компании, которые могут себе позволить, сделать пожертвования."; "AboutBodyThree" = "Пожертвования позволят и дальше поддерживать выпуск правок и обновлений для приложения."; "AboutBodyFooter" = "Спасибо тебе - Joe (Основатель BatteryBoi)"; "AboutGithubAction" = "GitHub"; "AboutDonateAction" = "Пожертвовать"; "AboutShareAction" = "Поделиться"; "SettingsAboutLabel" = "О приложении"; "SettingsCustomizationLabel" = "Кастомизация"; "SettingsSoundEffectsLabel" = "Звуковые эффекты"; "SettingsTriggersLabel" = "Команды"; "SettingsNotificationsLabel" = "Уведомления"; "SettingsPrereleasesLabel" = "Бета-релизы"; "SettingsCustomizationMenuLabel" = "Значок в строке меню"; "SettingsCustomizationThemeDarkLabel" = "Темная"; "SettingsCustomizationThemeLightLabel" = "Светлая"; "SettingsCustomizationThemeSystemLabel" = "Системная"; "SettingsCustomizationThemeTitle" = "Вид";

ko-oler avatar Sep 03 '23 09:09 ko-oler

Thanks @ko-oler and @Shane1119. Also @Shane1119, I've changed the flag and also learned a thing. Thanks so much.

thebarbican19 avatar Sep 04 '23 17:09 thebarbican19

@fus1ondev I am just waiting on the Japanese amendments dude.

thebarbican19 avatar Sep 05 '23 17:09 thebarbican19

Also, completely unrelated, but BatteryBoi is on Product Hunt today. Please vote for your favorite battery app @joostiphone, @kalonya, @ko-oler!

thebarbican19 avatar Sep 05 '23 18:09 thebarbican19

Russian translation:

"AlertSomePercentTitle" = "%d%% Осталось"; // 90% Осталось "AlertOnePercentTitle" = "Ваш Mac скоро выключится"; "AlertChargingTitle" = "Зарядка.."; "AlertChargingStoppedTitle" = "Зарядное устройство удалено"; "AlertChargingCompleteTitle" = "Зарядка завершена"; "AlertDeviceConnectedTitle" = "'%@' Подключено"; // Наушники Джо подключены "AlertDeviceDisconnectedTitle" = "'%@' Отключено"; //Наушники Джо отключены "AlertDeviceUnknownTitle" = "Неизвестно"; "AlertDeviceCalculatingTitle" = "Подсчет..."; "AlertEstimateSummary" = "Заряда хватит на %@"; // Заряда хватит на 1 час 32 минуты "AlertPercentSummary" = "Пора искать зарядное устройство!"; "AlertStartedChargeSummary" = "Батарея будет заряжена к %@."; // Батарея будет заряжена к 14:32 "AlertChargedSummary" = "Батарея полностью заряжена."; "TimestampHourFullLabel_Plural" = "%d часа(ов)"; "TimestampHourFullLabel_Single" = "%d час"; "TimestampMinuteFullLabel_Plural" = "%d минут(ы)"; "TimestampMinuteFullLabel_Single" = "%d минута"; "TimestampMinuteDaysLabel_Plural" = "%d дней"; "TimestampHourAbbriviatedLabel" = "ч"; "TimestampMinuteAbbriviatedLabel" = "м"; "TimestampDayAbbriviatedLabel" = "д"; "TimestampNeverLabel" = "Никогда"; "TimestampNowLabel" = Недавно"; "SettingsWebsiteLabel" = "Сайт"; "SettingsQuitLabel" = "Выйти"; "SettingsThemeLabel" = "Внешний вид"; "SettingsEfficiencyLabel" = Режим энергосбережения"; "SettingsCheckUpdatesLabel" = "Проверить"; "SettingsNewUpdateLabel" = "Установить новое обновление"; "SettingsDisplayLabel" = "Отображение"; "SettingsDisplayPercentLabel" = "Процент"; "SettingsDisplayEstimateLabel" = "Время"; "SettingsDisplayNoneLabel" = "Пусто"; "SettingsDisplayRemovedLabel" = "Скрыть иконку в строке меню"; "SettingsEnabledLabel" = "Включено"; "SettingsDisabledLabel" = "Выключено"; "UpdateStatusCheckingLabel" = "Проверка на наличие новых обновлений..."; "UpdateStatusIdleLabel" = "Последняя проверка: %@"; // Последняя проверка: 4 часа назад "UpdateStatusEmptyLabel" = "Обновлений нет"; "UpdateStatusNewLabel" = "Доступно обновление!";

@thebarbican19 make some fixes to translation:

  • "AlertEstimateSummary"
  • "TimestampMinuteFullLabel_Plural"
  • "TimestampMinuteFullLabel_Plural"

ko-oler avatar Sep 05 '23 18:09 ko-oler

@fus1ondev I am just waiting on the Japanese amendments dude.

If it is about these keys (, I already translated them.

yk4to avatar Sep 06 '23 14:09 yk4to

Polish translation

"AlertSomePercentTitle" = "Pozostało %d%%"; // 90% Remaining
"AlertOnePercentTitle" = "Twój Mac zaraz się wyłączy";
"AlertChargingTitle" = "Ładowanie...";
"AlertChargingStoppedTitle" = "Ładowarka odłączona";
"AlertChargingCompleteTitle" = "Ładowanie zakończone";
"AlertDeviceConnectedTitle" = "Podłączono '%@'"; //'Podłączono słuchawki Joe'
"AlertDeviceDisconnectedTitle" = "Odłączono '%@'"; //'Odłączono słuchawki Joe'
"AlertDeviceUnknownTitle" = "Nieznane";
"AlertDeviceCalculatingTitle" = "Obliczanie...";

"AlertEstimateSummary" = "%@ do wyczerpania"; // 1 godzina, 32 minuty do wyczerpania
"AlertPercentSummary" = "Czas podłączyć ładowarkę!";
"AlertStartedChargeSummary" = "Pełne naładowanie o %@."; // Pełne naładowanie o 14:32
"AlertChargedSummary" = "Twoja bateria jest w pełni naładowana.";

"TimestampHourFullLabel_Plural" = "%d godzin";
"TimestampHourFullLabel_Single" = "%d godzina";
"TimestampMinuteFullLabel_Plural" = "%d minut";
"TimestampMinuteFullLabel_Single" = "%d minuta";
"TimestampMinuteDaysLabel_Plural" = "%d dni";
"TimestampHourAbbriviatedLabel" = "g";
"TimestampMinuteAbbriviatedLabel" = "m";
"TimestampDayAbbriviatedLabel" = "d";
"TimestampNeverLabel" = "Nigdy";
"TimestampNowLabel" = "Przed chwilą";

"SettingsWebsiteLabel" = "Strona internetowa";
"SettingsQuitLabel" = "Wyjdź";
"SettingsThemeLabel" = "Wygląd";
"SettingsEfficiencyLabel" = "Oszczędzanie energii";
"SettingsCheckUpdatesLabel" = "Sprawdź aktualizacje";
"SettingsNewUpdateLabel" = "Zainstaluj nową aktualizację";
"SettingsDisplayLabel" = "Wyświetlacz";
"SettingsDisplayPercentLabel" = "Procent";
"SettingsDisplayEstimateLabel" = "Czas";
"SettingsDisplayNoneLabel" = "Pusty";
"SettingsDisplayRemovedLabel" = "Ikona na pasku menu ukryta";
"SettingsEnabledLabel" = "Włączone";
"SettingsDisabledLabel" = "Wyłączone";

"UpdateStatusCheckingLabel" = "Sprawdzanie aktualizacji...";
"UpdateStatusIdleLabel" = "Ostatnio sprawdzane: %@"; // Ostatnio sprawdzane: 4 godziny temu
"UpdateStatusEmptyLabel" = "Brak dostępnych aktualizacji";
"UpdateStatusNewLabel" = "Dostępna nowa aktualizacja!";

K4CZP3R avatar Sep 06 '23 23:09 K4CZP3R

Thansk so much @K4CZP3R! This is my bad, but I forgot to add the updated keys (they were further down the thread), I have added them now, it's everything from SettingsCustomizationMenuLabel.

Sorry for that.

thebarbican19 avatar Sep 07 '23 02:09 thebarbican19

May I suggest using for translation (I believe most of them should be even free to some extent) services such as:

Crowdin Localazy POEditor Transifex Weblate

I have personally fully translated over 10 apps already using the sites mentioned above and will be happy to translate also BatteryBoi.

When you add new strings, all members who helped with translation before, will get notified, that there is new strings needed to translate. The management for you is super easy then. I guess, you should try and check yourself and see how it works for you.

Svec-Tomas avatar Sep 07 '23 08:09 Svec-Tomas

Can I request to add Single and more Plural forms? Please check this article.

"AlertSomePercentTitle" = "%d%% Remaining"; // 90% Remaining

For example for my native language Slovak, there is different translation for 1% Remaining, 2-4% Remaining, 5-100% Remaining.

"UpdateStatusIdleLabel" = "Last Checked: %@"; // Last Checked: 4 hours ago

Also here Single and Plural forms will be needed for correct translation.

"TimestampHourFullLabel_Plural" = "%d hours"; "TimestampHourFullLabel_Single" = "%d hour"; "TimestampMinuteFullLabel_Plural" = "%d minutes"; "TimestampMinuteFullLabel_Single" = "%d minute"; "TimestampMinuteDaysLabel_Plural" = "%d days";

Here is needed more Plural forms, so that the translation will be then correct.

Also there is 3 genders in Slovak, as it is explained in this article. So it will be different translation for dis/connected devices - pripojený - pripojená - pripojené.

"AlertDeviceConnectedTitle" = "'%@' Connected"; //'Joe's Headphones' Connected "AlertDeviceDisconnectedTitle" = "'%@' Disconnected"; //'Joe's Headphones' Disconnected

Regarding this string:

"AlertStartedChargeSummary" = "Fully charged at %@."; // Fully charged at 2:32pm

Would it be possible to have an option to choose in settings? Either 12 hours (am/pm) or 24 hours (the one used in my country for example)?

To be able to translate this string correctly, what is the exact meaning?

"SettingsEfficiencyLabel" = "Low Power";

Low Power Consumption? Low Performance? Little Energy (Power) left?

Svec-Tomas avatar Sep 07 '23 11:09 Svec-Tomas

And here is the Slovak translation:

"AlertSomePercentTitle" = "%d%% ostáva"; // 90% ostáva "AlertOnePercentTitle" = "Váš Mac sa čoskoro vypne"; "AlertChargingTitle" = "Nabíjanie..."; "AlertChargingStoppedTitle" = "Nabíjačka odstránená"; "AlertChargingCompleteTitle" = "Nabíjanie dokončené"; "AlertDeviceConnectedTitle" = "'%@' pripojené"; //'Slúchadlá Joea pripojené "AlertDeviceDisconnectedTitle" = "'%@' odpojené"; //'Slúchadlá Joea odpojené "AlertDeviceUnknownTitle" = "Neznáme zariadenie"; "AlertDeviceCalculatingTitle" = "Prebieha výpočet..."; "AlertEstimateSummary" = "%@ do vybitia"; // 1 hodina, 32 minút do vybitia "AlertPercentSummary" = "Čas pripojiť kábel!"; "AlertStartedChargeSummary" = "Plne nabité o %@."; // Plne nabité o 14:32 "AlertChargedSummary" = "Batéria je plne nabitá."; "TimestampHourFullLabel_Plural" = "%d hodín"; "TimestampHourFullLabel_Single" = "%d hodina"; "TimestampMinuteFullLabel_Plural" = "%d minút"; "TimestampMinuteFullLabel_Single" = "%d minúta"; "TimestampMinuteDaysLabel_Plural" = "%d dní"; "TimestampHourAbbriviatedLabel" = "h"; "TimestampMinuteAbbriviatedLabel" = "m"; "TimestampDayAbbriviatedLabel" = "d"; "TimestampNeverLabel" = "Nikdy"; "TimestampNowLabel" = "Pred chvíľou"; "SettingsWebsiteLabel" = "Webová stránka"; "SettingsQuitLabel" = "Ukončiť"; "SettingsThemeLabel" = "Vzhľad"; "SettingsEfficiencyLabel" = "Nízky výkon"; "SettingsCheckUpdatesLabel" = "Vyhľadať aktualizácie"; "SettingsNewUpdateLabel" = "Nainštalovať novú aktualizáciu"; "SettingsDisplayLabel" = "Zobraziť"; "SettingsDisplayPercentLabel" = "Percento"; "SettingsDisplayEstimateLabel" = "​Čas"; "SettingsDisplayNoneLabel" = "Prázdne"; "SettingsDisplayRemovedLabel" = "Ikona v lište skrytá"; "SettingsEnabledLabel" = "Zapnuté"; "SettingsDisabledLabel" = "Vypnuté"; "SettingsAboutLabel" = "O aplikácii"; "SettingsCustomizationLabel" = "Prispôsobenie"; "SettingsSoundEffectsLabel" = "Zvukové efekty"; "SettingsTriggersLabel" = "Príkazy"; "SettingsNotificationsLabel" = "Hlásenia"; "SettingsPrereleasesLabel" = "Beta verzie"; "SettingsCustomizationMenuLabel" = "Ikona v lište"; "SettingsCustomizationThemeDarkLabel" = "Tmavý"; "SettingsCustomizationThemeLightLabel" = "Svetlý"; "SettingsCustomizationThemeSystemLabel" = "Systém"; "SettingsCustomizationThemeTitle" = "Vzhľad"; "UpdateStatusCheckingLabel" = "Vyhľadávam aktualizácie..."; "UpdateStatusIdleLabel" = "Posledná kontrola: %@"; // Posledná kontrola: Pred 4 hodinami "UpdateStatusEmptyLabel" = "Žiadne dostupné aktualizácie"; "UpdateStatusNewLabel" = "Dostupná nová aktualizácia!"; "AboutTitle" = "BatteryBoi, zadarmo, navždy, pre každého..."; "AboutBodyOne" = "V rušnom prostredí aplikácií, kde peňaženky často plačú nad opakujúcimi sa mesačnými platbami... BatteryBoi je 100% navždy zadarmo a open-source!"; "AboutBodyTwo" = "Vytvorenie tejto aplikácie, ktorá vyzerá takto dobre, znamená veľa dní práce, potenia krvi a niekedy aj sĺz. Preto prosím ľudí a firmy, ktoré si to môžu dovoliť, aby zvážili príspevok."; "AboutBodyThree" = "Vďaka Vašim príspevkom bude aplikácia fungovať a aktualizácie/opravy pribúdať."; "AboutBodyFooter" = "Ďakujem - Joe (autor BatteryBoi)"; "AboutGithubAction" = "GitHub"; "AboutDonateAction" = "Prispieť"; "AboutShareAction" = "Zdieľať"; "BluetoothDeviceHeadphonesLabel" = "Slúchadlá"; "BluetoothDeviceMouseLabel" = "Myš"; "BluetoothDeviceGamepadLabel" = "Herný ovládač"; "BluetoothDeviceSpeakerLabel" = "Reproduktor"; "BluetoothDeviceKeyboardLabel" = "Klávesnica"; "BluetoothDeviceOtherLabel" = "Iné"; "BluetoothConnectLabel" = "Pripojiť"; "BluetoothDisconnectLabel" = "Odpojiť"; "BluetoothDistanceProximateLabel" = "Na stole"; "BluetoothDistanceNearLabel" = "V tej istej miestnosti"; "BluetoothDistanceFarLabel" = "V inej ríši";

Will alter it then based on added strings :)

Svec-Tomas avatar Sep 07 '23 11:09 Svec-Tomas

Slovenian translation:

"AlertSomePercentTitle" = "Preostalo %d%%"; // 90% Remaining "AlertOnePercentTitle" = "Tvoj mac se bo kmalu ugasnil."; "AlertChargingTitle" = "Polnjenje..."; "AlertChargingStoppedTitle" = "Napajalnik odstranjen"; "AlertChargingCompleteTitle" = "Polnjenje končano"; "AlertDeviceConnectedTitle" = "'%@' povezane"; //'Joe's Headphones' Connected "AlertDeviceDisconnectedTitle" = "'%@' odvezane"; //'Joe's Headphones' Disconnected "AlertDeviceUnknownTitle" = "Neznano"; "AlertDeviceCalculatingTitle" = "Računanje..."; "AlertEstimateSummary" = "%@ dokler se baterija ne sprazni"; // 1 hour, 32 minutes until empty "AlertPercentSummary" = "Čas je da vzameš kabel!"; "AlertStartedChargeSummary" = "Napolnjeno ob %@."; // Fully charged at 2:32pm "AlertChargedSummary" = "Tvoja baterija je napolnjena."; "TimestampHourFullLabel_Plural" = "%d ur"; "TimestampHourFullLabel_Single" = "%d ura"; "TimestampMinuteFullLabel_Plural" = "%d minut"; "TimestampMinuteFullLabel_Single" = "%d minuta"; "TimestampMinuteDaysLabel_Plural" = "%d dni"; "TimestampHourAbbriviatedLabel" = "h"; "TimestampMinuteAbbriviatedLabel" = "m"; "TimestampDayAbbriviatedLabel" = "d"; "TimestampNeverLabel" = "Nikoli"; "TimestampNowLabel" = "Pred nekaj trenutki"; "SettingsWebsiteLabel" = "Spletna stran"; "SettingsQuitLabel" = "Izhod"; "SettingsThemeLabel" = "Videz"; "SettingsEfficiencyLabel" = "Nizkoenergijski način"; "SettingsCheckUpdatesLabel" = "Preveri posodobitve"; "SettingsNewUpdateLabel" = "Namesti posodobitev"; "SettingsDisplayCycleLabel" = "Število ciklov"; "SettingsDisplayLabel" = "Prikaz"; "SettingsDisplayPercentLabel" = "Procenti"; "SettingsDisplayEstimateLabel" = "Čas"; "SettingsDisplayNoneLabel" = "Prazno"; "SettingsDisplayRemovedLabel" = "Menu Bar ikona skrita"; "SettingsEnabledLabel" = "Omogočeno"; "SettingsDisabledLabel" = "Onemogočeno"; "SettingsAboutLabel" = "Več o"; "SettingsCustomizationLabel" = "Prilagoditev"; "SettingsSoundEffectsLabel" = "Zvočni učinki"; "SettingsTriggersLabel" = "Komande"; "SettingsNotificationsLabel" = "Obvestila"; "SettingsPrereleasesLabel" = "Beta različice"; "SettingsCustomizationMenuLabel" = "Menu Bar ikona"; "SettingsCustomizationThemeDarkLabel" = "Temno"; "SettingsCustomizationThemeLightLabel" = "Svetlo"; "SettingsCustomizationThemeSystemLabel" = "Sistem"; "SettingsCustomizationThemeTitle" = "Prikaz"; "UpdateStatusCheckingLabel" = "Preverjanje posodobitev..."; "UpdateStatusIdleLabel" = "Nazadnje preverjeno: %@"; // Last Checked: 4 hours ago "UpdateStatusEmptyLabel" = "Na voljo ni novejše različice"; "UpdateStatusNewLabel" = "Na voljo nova različica!"; "AboutTitle" = "BatteryBoi, Brezplačno, Za vedno, za vse..."; "AboutBodyOne" = "V svetu, kjer aplikacije pogosto zahtevajo naročnine. BatteryBoi je 100% brezplačen in odprtokodni, za vedno!"; "AboutBodyTwo" = "Ustvarjanje te aplikacije, ki izgleda tako dobro, je mnogo dni dela, krvnega znoja in včasih solz. Zato prosim ljudi in podjetja, ki si to lahko privoščijo, da razmislijo o doniranju."; "AboutBodyThree" = "Donacije bodo omogočile, da luči ostanejo prižgane in da bodo posodobitve tekle."; "AboutBodyFooter" = "Hvala - Joe (Ustanovitelj aplikacije BatteryBoi)"; "AboutGithubAction" = "GitHub"; "AboutDonateAction" = "Doniraj"; "AboutShareAction" = "Deli"; "BluetoothDeviceHeadphonesLabel" = "Slušalke"; "BluetoothDeviceMouseLabel" = "Miška"; "BluetoothDeviceGamepadLabel" = "Gaming kontroler"; "BluetoothDeviceSpeakerLabel" = "Zvočnik"; "BluetoothDeviceKeyboardLabel" = "Tipkovnica"; "BluetoothDeviceOtherLabel" = "Drugo"; "BluetoothConnectLabel" = "Poveži"; "BluetoothDisconnectLabel" = "Odveži"; "BluetoothDistanceProximateLabel" = "Na mizi"; "BluetoothDistanceNearLabel" = "V istem prostoru"; "BluetoothDistanceFarLabel" = "Ne tako blizu";

drodmantras avatar Sep 11 '23 14:09 drodmantras

Hey Everybody (@Svec-Tomas, @joostiphone, @K4CZP3R, @kalonya, @Shane1119, @ko-oler, @fus1ondev), thanks for all you good work translating the app! It's so incredible seeing everyone contribute to allow everyone globally to use BatteryBoi.

Due to the speed of updates and the complexity of this discussion, I have decided (with the help of @Svec-Tomas) to move translations over to a dedicated platform which you can join here. I have already uploaded already translated keys from you all.

If you no longer want to be a part of this, I understand but know that I cannot incomplete translations, and thus they will be removed altogether.

thebarbican19 avatar Sep 11 '23 19:09 thebarbican19