akka-quartz copied to clipboard
Because using Camel to schedule Akka actors is silly
The Akka scheduler is limited, and using Apache Camel to run timers is silly.
- Quartz scheduler
- Akka
- Actors
- Fin
Works with Akka 2.1.x+ on Scala 2.10.x / 2.11.x
Include the following repository to you Ivy/Maven/SBT file:
"theatr.us" at "http://repo.theatr.us"
Include the following dependency in your build.sbt
"us.theatr" %% "akka-quartz" % "0.3.0"
(along with any needed Akka dependencies - not included by default)
Create a QuartzActor:
import us.theatr.akka.quartz._
val quartzActor = system.actorOf(Props[QuartzActor])
Send it add messages:
quartzActor ! AddCronSchedule(destinationActorRef, "0/5 * * * * ?", Message())
Now Message() will be delivered to destinationActorRef every 5 seconds.
The Spigot can turn the cron job on or off. All you need to do is to implement
trait Spigot {
def open: Boolean
And add it to the AddCronSchedule
val leaderSpigot = new Spigot {
def open = zookeeperClient.isLeader()
quartzActor ! AddCronSchedule(destinationActorRef, "0/5 * * * * ?", Message(), false, leaderSpigot)
Now Message() will be delivered to destinationActorRef every 5 seconds only if zookeeperClient.isLeader() returns true. This is useful if your service runs in a cluster and you want a single (or some) of the instances in the clusters to run the cron job.
For more information, please see the unit test or consult the JavaDoc/ScalaDoc.
For more documentation about quartz scheduler see http://quartz-scheduler.org/api/2.0.0/org/quartz/CronTrigger.html
Quartz really isn't that fantastic - a ton of cruft, non-sensical bugs, and "enterprise" anti-patterns. But at least it can parse cron expressions, and I have better things to do than re-implement that.