Python-Arduino-Command-API copied to clipboard
Python equivalent code is acting strange
I am trying to implement one of the starter circuits using your library. This simple Arduino code, causes the LED to light up brightly and blink accordingly (everything seems correct):
void loop() {
digitalWrite(13, HIGH);
digitalWrite(13, LOW);
But this Python code, causes the LED to blink correctly, but is very dim with the exact same circuit:
from Arduino import Arduino
import time
board = Arduino('9600') #plugged in via USB, serial com at rate 9600
board.pinMode(13, "OUTPUT")
while True:
board.digitalWrite(13, "LOW")
board.digitalWrite(13, "HIGH")
Any ideas what could cause this?
I have also experienced this, having extensively combed through the source code i have NO idea what could be causing it, i have forked this library and i still experience this bug from time to time.
Are you able to reproduce yours with a 100% success rate or does it only happen on occasion?
I'm looking into this now, though I am having some trouble reproducing it. I'll see what I can do.