dash icon indicating copy to clipboard operation
dash copied to clipboard

DASH is deep osint Scanner. You just need username to start osint scan.

     ____    _    ____  _   _
    |  _ \  / \  / ___|| | | |
    | | | |/ _ \ \___ \| |_| |
    | |_| / ___ \ ___) |  _  |
    |____/_/   \_\____/|_| |_| 1.3

DASH is deep osint Scanner. You just need username to start osint scan. Fast requesting and you can find potantial info (Country , special data and more...).


Use the package manager pip to install foobar.

git clone https://github.com/TheSadError/dash
cd dash
pip install -r requirements.txt
python3 dash.py --u username

Write to issues for any bug.


python3 dash.py --u username # start OSINT
python3 dash.py # If you dont want to use parameters like --u . This command Will ask you username and It will start to scan... Good Luck

Contact :

Discord : thesaderror#1351
