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Simple controlled forms with validations in react

Circle CI


Forms are not currently fun to work with in React. There are a lot of form libraries out there, but a lot of them have issues making them a pain to work with. These issues include:

  • You have to use provided input / form components rather than whatever components you want.
  • The provided inputs can have bugs and inconsistencies with the built-in components.
  • The forms cannot be controlled from outside of the library's components and user input.
  • You are forced into using refs to call methods on components.
  • Validations are not straightforward, and you cannot validate across fields (like having two different inputs that should have the same value).

react-inform is a form library for React that avoids all of these issues.


Simple Form

Simple Form With Animations Using mation

Form with Async validation

Dynamic Fields

Integration with react-intl v2


npm install --save react-inform


Creating a simple validating form is easy with react-inform.

react-inform provides a simple decorator. To that decorator you provide a list of fields in the form, and an optional validate function. The validate function takes in an object where the keys are fieldnames and the values are the values of the fields, and it should return an object where the keys are fieldnames and the values are error strings.

We can configure a simple form that has the fields username, password, and confirmPassword. This form will just validate that the username and password exist and that confirmPassword matches the password. First just create the fields and validate function. There is a helper function to aid in creating these validate functions, but for now, we will write one out by hand to get the hang of it.

const fields = ['username', 'password', 'confirmPassword'];

const validate = values => {
  const { username, password, confirmPassword } = values;
  const errors = {};

  if (!username) errors.username = 'Username is required!';
  if (!password) errors.password = 'Password is required!';
  if (confirmPassword !== password) errors.confirmPassword = 'Passwords must match!';

  return errors;

Now that you have the fields and validate function, you can just use the form decorator:

import { form } from 'react-inform';

class MyForm extends Component {

Or you can use form as a function.

class MyForm extends Component {

MyForm = form({

The form function wraps your react component passing a form and fields property. The fields property can be "plugged into" regular inputs in your render function. The fields also willl have errors if your validate function returned any!

<input type="text" placeholder="Username" {...username.props} />
<input type="password" placeholder="Password" {...password.props} />
<input type="password" placeholder="Confirm Password" {...confirmPassword.props} />

Simple! Your form now validates, and keeps track of its state without all the boilerplate! The complete working example can be seen here!


form({ fields, [validate] })

Creates a function used to wrap a react component. Accepts an object that contains the keys fields and optionally validate. fields is an array of fieldnames. validate is a function used to validate the field values.

The validate function should accept a map of fieldnames to values, and return a map of fieldnames to error strings (or a Promise that resolves to a map of fieldnames to error strings).

Accepted properties

Property Description
value to control the data in the form from the parent of a form.
onChange to react to changes to the form in the parent of a form.
onValidate to react to changes in the validation state of the form. The callback will be passed a boolean that is true when the form becomes valid.
fields Can be used instead of the field key in the decorator to control the list of fields in the form
validate Can be used instead of the validate key in the decorator to control the validate function
touched An object to control the touched state of each field. The objects shape is { [fieldName]: [boolean], ... }
onTouch An event fired anytime the touch state of any field in the form changes. The handler receives the entire touched state of the form, with the same shape as the value for the touched prop

Properties passed to wrapped components


Form contains some utility functions to affect the wrapping form.

Function Description
isValid() returns true if all of the fields are valid
forceValidate() Causes all of the fields to get passed their error properties by setting every field's touched state to true. Usually errors are only passed after the field has been "touched" (after onBlur).
values() returns the current value of all the form fields as a map.
onValues(values) forcefully sets all of the values in the form to the passed values.
touch(fields) sets the touched state to true for all of the fields named in the passed array arg
untouch(fields) sets the touched state to false for all of the fields named in the passed array arg
resetTouched() sets the touched state for all fields to false

fields is a map of the fields you passed in. Each field has a value, onChange, and onBlur property so that they can be passed into regular input components and have them be controlled with react-inform. If there is an error message on a field, the field will also have an error property.

All of the props that should be passed to your rendered input component (value, onChange, and onBlur) are also available using the props property. For example:

const { fieldName } = this.props.fields;
<input type="text" {...fieldName.props} />

This keeps react from complaining about unknown props being passed to input components. See this link for more details.


A helper to create validate functions from maps of rules. Rule functions can return Promises that resolve to booleans to support async validations.

This is an example rule map that ensures that username exists, password exists, and confirmPassword matches password. Notice the keys to the rules are the error messages that will appear when the field is invalid.

const exists = v => Boolean(v);

const ruleMap = {
  username: {
    'Username must exist': exists
  password: {
    'Password must exist': exists
  confirmPassword: {
    'Passwords must match': (value, values) => value === values.password


Creates an object that can be passed directly to the form function / decorator using a ruleMap. All fields must be represented in the ruleMap. Fields without validations should have empty objects as their values in the rule map.



A Component which can be used inside a React Component wrapped with react-inform. When clicked it will reset the form so that it contains no values.

Accepts a resetTouched boolean prop. When set to true, clicking the reset button will also reset all the fields' touched states.


A Component which can be used inside a React Component wrapped with react-inform. It will remain disabled until all of the fields in the form are valid. Once its enabled, clicking it will submit the form.


A Component which can be used inside a React Component wrapped with react-inform. When clicked, if the form has invalid fields, it will force those fields' errors to be passed as props. If the form is valid, it will submit the form.
