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Filesystem transport for Symfony Messenger

Filesystem Transport for Symfony Messenger

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Extends the Symfony Messenger component to handle the filesystem transport. Queues are processed locally by storing and retrieving messages from the filesystem.

The queuing is implemented as a LIFO (Last-In, First-Out) list, this to optimize the filesystem usage and the r/w operations.


composer require pnz/messenger-filesystem-transport

This transport handles the filesystem:// schema, use the FilesystemTransportFactory to create the transport.

Symfony configuration: use the Filesystem Transport Bundle Bundle.

Install without the Symfony Bundle:

  1. Register the transport factory:
#  config/services.yaml
        $serializer: '@messenger.transport.symfony_serializer'
        # The following lines are not needed if "autowire" is enabled
        $filesystem: '@filesystem'
        $lockFactory: '@lock.factory'
    # Enable the `filesystem://` transport to be auto-discovered, this is not needed when "autoconfigure" is enabled
    tags: ['messenger.transport_factory']
  1. Configure the Filesystem transport:
#  config/packages/messenger.yaml
  # The path *MUST* specify an absolute path of the directory where the queue will be stored
  # Example1: the queue messages will be stored in the project's `var/queue` directory
  env(MESSENGER_TRANSPORT_DSN): "filesystem://%kernel.project_dir%/var/queue"
  # Example2: use the `/tmp/queue` directory (note the triple `/`)
  env(MESSENGER_TRANSPORT_DSN): "filesystem:///tmp/queue"

            filesystem: '%env(resolve:MESSENGER_TRANSPORT_DSN)%'

            App\Message\MyMessage: filesystem


The DSN includes the following query parameters:

  • compress: Enable/Disable compression of messages storage (gzinflate/gzdeflate), use compress=true (default: false)
  • loop_sleep: Define the sleep interval between loops in micro-seconds, use loop_sleep=MICRO-SECONDS (default: 500000)


# .env

# Enable compression, and sleep for 0.8 seconds during loops if the queue is empty