MoodleTestSync copied to clipboard
Chrome extension that solves Moodle Test or makes it easyer. (Moodle Exam Hack)
Moodle Test synchroniser
Chrome extension that solves Moodle Test / Exams or makes it easyer.
Table of Contents
- About the Project
- Installation
- Usage
- Contributing
- License
- Contact
- Interesting Links
About The Project
Chrome extension that helps you to fill out test on the learning platform Moodle. If someone has already completed the test, you will get the solution synchronized.
- If one student has taken a test and the solution view is turned on, the others can synchronize the solutions
- solving tasks together
- More is in dev
At the moment the extension only works with english and german moodle versions. Please help me to offer the other languages as well.
**This is 100% leagal by law. It does not penetrate or do anthing ileagl.**
Please use this only for educational purposes. It is not advisable to use it on teaching sites. :)
Bitte nutz dies nur für Bildungszwecke. Von dem benutzen auf Unterrichtsseiten ist abzuraten.:)
Veuillez ne l'utiliser qu'à des fins éducatives. Il n'est pas conseillé de l'utiliser sur des sites d'enseignement.
Por favor, utilice esto sólo para fines educativos. No es aconsejable utilizarlo en sitios de enseñanza.
Built With
Ruff Js and an Api with php and mysqli
Very Quick installation!
- Go to Releases and download the crx file. ->
- Drag and Drop the File into chrome.
- Press Ok
- Finish
Coming soon. WIP!
Contributions are what make the open source community such an amazing place to be learn, inspire, and create. Any contributions you make are greatly appreciated.
To Do
- Support for dropdowns
- Chat functions
- Clean code
- README update
- Rm Dublicates form awnsers
- Guess function if no solution
Distributed under the MIT License. See LICENSE
for more information.
theLeroy - @theLeroy
Project Link:
Intresting Links
Nütz nid tchance nütz zystem. Better be smart! :)