cassandra-cql copied to clipboard
What is the correct way to connect to a Cassandra server ?
Sorry for rising this as a issue, but it is a bit hard to figure out how to use this library.
root@b3e0266f401c:/# nodetool ring
Datacenter: SearchAnalytics
Address Rack Status State Load Owns Token rack1 Up Normal 485.95 KB ? -2758875854119677886
{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
import Data.UUID
import qualified Data.Text as T
import Database.Cassandra.CQL
import Control.Monad.IO.Class
import Data.Maybe
getOneSong :: Query style UUID (UUID)
getOneSong = query "select customer from status_by_customer where customer = ?"
test = do
pool <- newPool [("","")] "test_data" Nothing
runCas pool $ do
executeRows ANY getOneSong (fromJust $ fromString "c2cc10e1-57d6-4b6f-9899-38d972112d8c")
But I always get
failed to create a session due to temporary error (will retry) : NoAvailableServers
if I set the server to ("", "b3e0266f401c"), the following error will rise:
failed to create a session due to permanent error (will rethrow) : getAddrInfo: does not exist (Servname not supported for ai_socktype)
And I am pretty sure I have exported all the port, that needed to connect to Cassandra, as my other programs are working fine with this docker.
$ docker ps
b3e0266f401c docker_cassandra "/usr/local/bin/dse-e" 12 days ago Up 50 minutes 4040/tcp, 7000/tcp, 7077/tcp, 7080-7081/tcp, 8012/tcp, 8090/tcp, 8983-8984/tcp, 9042/tcp, 9160/tcp, 9290/tcp, 10000/tcp, 50030/tcp, 50060/tcp, 61621/tcp my-dse
Would you please show me an example that how to use this library to connect to Cassandra ?
The second entry in the Server tuple is a port number. So try newPool [("","9042")] "test_data" Nothing