I have the same issue, it happens random , on different models, different settings, once i saw it happening with my eyes, printer just skipped a few moves of perimeter...
slicer is good because the same gcode worked the second time, maybe its because i use prusa connect?
im gonna try another usb drive, maybe the original one is too slow or something?
I see you had the exact issue i have, but i dont even have "use ramping lift" enabled
@SmithyAT , provide some info about your settings, are you uploading directly on usb drive, or use wireless? Prusa link or Prusa Connect?
@SmithyAT yes, because i use Prusa Connect too, but some times i used usb drive, and issue never showed, i think there is a probability, we should switch to usb...
@SmithyAT i had these issue pretty often , but on very random time, i was using "upload and print" button, but now for a few months i click "upload" and...