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Add new features
B.E.N.J.I. can have more features! Add them and push a PR!
Kindly give a brief description of your new feature here(before jumping to the implementation), and tag the mentors @the-ethan-hunt, @abhimanyuthakre, @sara-02 for suggestions. It will help in better approval of the idea and better design as well.
I have an idea of showing user the lyrics by using "lyrics song_name". If there are songs with similar names, user can use more specific string which includes singer too, as the result would be about the famous song only. This feature will directly lead to the website. @the-ethan-hunt @sara-02
This seems good @abhimanyuthakre . We can also use a music recognizer (like Shazam!) incorporated with this functionality. P.S. @sara-02 , @abhimanyuthakre is the other maintainer of the project. 😄
Thanks, updated my previous comment to include @abhimanyuthakre as well :wink:
Sorry , @sara-02 @the-ethan-hunt @abhimanyuthakre . I was not aware from this and direct implemented the feature. Please review this. :)