string-mask copied to clipboard
A string formatter and validator based on masks.
A string formatter and validator based on masks.
With npm:
npm install --save string-mask
With bower:
bower install --save string-mask
Character | Description |
0 |
Any numbers |
9 |
Any numbers (Optional) |
# |
Any numbers (recursive) |
A |
Any alphanumeric character |
a |
Any alphanumeric character (Optional) Not implemented yet |
S |
Any letter |
U |
Any letter (All lower case character will be mapped to uppercase) |
L |
Any letter (All upper case character will be mapped to lowercase) |
$ |
Escape character, used to escape any of the special formatting characters. |
Special characters types
Optional characters: Used to parse characters that cold exist in the source string or not. See Date and time.
Recursive characters: Used to parse patterns that repeat in the end or in the start of the source string. See Two decimal number with thousands separators
Note: Any character of the mask positioned after a recursive character will be handled as a non special character.
Use it creating an mask instance with the StringMask contructor:
* - optionsObject parameter is optional in the constructor
* - apply will return the a masked string value
* - validate will return `true` if the string matchs the mask
var mask = new StringMask('some mask', optionsObject); //optionsObject is optional
var maskedValue = mask.apply('some value string');
var isValid = mask.validate('some value string to validate');
Or by the static interface:
* - optionsObject parameter is optional in all methods
* - apply will return the a masked string value
* - validate will return `true` if the string matchs the mask
* - process will return a object: {result: <maskedValue>, valid: <isValid>}
var maskedValue = StringMask.apply('some value string', 'some mask', optionsObject);
var isValid = StringMask.validate('some value string', 'some mask', optionsObject);
var result = StringMask.process('some value string', 'some mask', optionsObject);
Some masks examples
var formatter = new StringMask('#0');
var result = formatter.apply('123'); // 123
Two decimal number with thousands separators
var formatter = new StringMask('#.##0,00', {reverse: true});
var result = formatter.apply('100123456'); // 1.001.234,56
result = formatter.apply('6'); // 0,06
Phone number
var formatter = new StringMask('+00 (00) 0000-0000');
var result = formatter.apply('553122222222'); // +55 (31) 2222-2222
var formatter = new StringMask('#0,00%');
var result = formatter.apply('001'); // 0,01%
Brazilian CPF number
var formatter = new StringMask('000.000.000-00');
var result = formatter.apply('12965815620'); // 129.658.156-20
Date and time
var formatter = new StringMask('90/90/9900');
var result = formatter.apply('1187'); // 1/1/87
Convert Case
var formatter = new StringMask('UUUUUUUUUUUUU');
var result = formatter.apply('To Upper Case'); // TO UPPER CASE
var formatter = new StringMask('LLLLLLLLLLLLL');
var result = formatter.apply('To Lower Case'); // to lower case
International Bank Number
var formatter = new StringMask('UUAA AAAA AAAA AAAA AAAA AAAA AAA');
var result = formatter.apply('FR761111900069410000AA33222');
// result: FR76 1111 BBBB 6941 0000 AA33 222
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- Pull requests will not be merged if:
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Copyright (c) 2016 Daniel Campos
Licensed under the MIT license.