the-blue-alliance-pwa copied to clipboard
A progressive web app for The Blue Alliance.
The Blue Alliance Progressive Web App (PWA)
A universally (server + client) rendered React PWA for The Blue Alliance.
Currently at
Getting started
Node.js 10 is required. NVM can be used to manage Node.js versions.
Fill out .env.sample
and save it as .env
npm install
to install packages.
npm run dev
to run the app in development mode at http://localhost:3000.
npm run prettier
to run formatting checks.
npm run lint
to run lint checks.
npm run test
to run all tests.
npm run test:watch
to run tests in watch mode to run tests related to changed files every time a file is saved.
npm run analyze
to analyze bundle size.
npm run build
to build for production.
npm run deploy
to deploy to production.
npm start
to run the production server at port 3001 (or a specified PORT).
Developer notes
We use Husky to manage Git hooks. In particular, Prettier and ESlint are used to format and lint code during pre-commit. We recommend installing text editor plugins for Prettier and ESlint to automatically format code and warn about any errors during development.