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[Java] Add Play!

Open keyvanestermann opened this issue 4 years ago • 5 comments

Somewhat recent, somewhat rising in popularity Anyway it would be nice to have more Java frameworks in the benchmark list !


keyvanestermann avatar Jun 03 '20 23:06 keyvanestermann

Hi @KeyvanE,

Welcome here. It will be awesome to add play in this list.

@mkurz @gmethvin @marcospereira do you consent (or at list NOT opposed) to include play in here ?

waghanza avatar Jun 04 '20 05:06 waghanza


I am not against adding Play here, I could also provide the pull request, however I am just to busy right now with a lot of stuff, so I don't think I will find time in the next weeks to work on this. I will put it onto my TODO list however. BTW: How do your benchmarks differ from https://www.techempower.com/benchmarks/?

/cc @renatocaval @ignasi35 @wsargent

mkurz avatar Jun 04 '20 09:06 mkurz

Hi @mkurz,

Thanks for asking about the differences with Techempower benchmark.

To reply quickly, TechEmpower is more a heterogeneous list of implementations, I mean the purpose of this benchmark is to gather contributions to let developer has an idea of any glitches on theirs frameworks. The side-effect of this approach is that it compare various version.

  • The scenarios is much simpler here, and does not involve any database ... that could mess-up final results
  • Framework version is up-to date, thanks to renovatebot
    • Gramework is in version 1.6.2 https://github.com/TechEmpower/FrameworkBenchmarks/blob/bf661392e819d8cad4a9a6ae524f80b0195a52a8/frameworks/Go/gramework/src/go.mod#L6
    • Laravel is in version 5.8 https://github.com/TechEmpower/FrameworkBenchmarks/blob/bf661392e819d8cad4a9a6ae524f80b0195a52a8/frameworks/PHP/laravel/composer.json#L13
    • ...
  • One style per language, thanks to restyled

The purpose here is very different, we want to display the most realistic figures about how frameworks performs, and for this we ensure to test :

  • on real infrastructure, https://github.com/the-benchmarker/web-frameworks/pull/2593
  • with the latest stable version
  • production-grade implementations
  • ....


waghanza avatar Jun 04 '20 10:06 waghanza

@KeyvanE we are currently implementing scala version of Play!. however, if you want to give a try with the java version, it'll be :heart:

waghanza avatar Jun 04 '20 12:06 waghanza

Play-Scala was added here: #2858 would be nice to see a Java version as well.

mkurz avatar Jul 25 '20 19:07 mkurz