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Add workaround to issue in conan's GLOG build/link process for windows
[==========] 14 tests from 1 test suite ran. (98439 ms total) [ PASSED ] 14 tests.
This was built with Win 10 MSVS 2015.
The current issue is with GLOG this is the bug report: https://github.com/conan-io/conan-center-index/issues/2494
I stubbed in "Spacelm" suggestion of:
#ifdef _WIN32 #ifndef MINGW32 #define GOOGLE_GLOG_DLL_DECL #endif #endif
( don't you just love those little magic incantations .... sigh)
before every glog include ... and she built.
My suggestion is make no changes just wait for that bug fix and rebuild.
Thanks and regards Carl
Thanks for all your work, @ShamanTcler / Carl!
(I'm Tom, by the way ;) !).
The current issue is with GLOG this is the bug report: conan-io/conan-center-index#2494
I stubbed in "Spacelm" suggestion of:
#ifdef _WIN32 #ifndef MINGW32 #define GOOGLE_GLOG_DLL_DECL #endif #endif
Is this something you've subbed into the cpplot codebase? Or into somewhere else?
To get mine to work I edited my local copies .... i.e.
cpplot_test.cpp now has this snippet:
#include "eigen.h"
#include "exceptions.h"
#include "gtest/gtest.h"
#ifdef _WIN32
#ifndef __MINGW32__
#include "glog/logging.h"
I would not make these changes to the code.
Let them fix Conan's GLOG and things should work fine. Just curious was the test code supposed to echo tons of data to the screen?
here is the output of the test app:
-rwx------+ 1 210008258 Domain Users 399 Aug 12 10:30 test_3d_axes_labels.json
-rwx------+ 1 210008258 Domain Users 196 Aug 12 10:29 test_bar_and_scatter_plot.json
-rwx------+ 1 210008258 Domain Users 153 Aug 12 10:29 test_bar_plot.json
-rwx------+ 1 210008258 Domain Users 225 Aug 12 10:30 test_latex_labels.json
-rwx------+ 1 210008258 Domain Users 172 Aug 12 10:30 test_layout_no_title_plot.json
-rwx------+ 1 210008258 Domain Users 194 Aug 12 10:30 test_layout_plot.json
-rwx------+ 1 210008258 Domain Users 3381 Aug 12 10:30 test_log_axes.json
-rwx------+ 1 210008258 Domain Users 14094026 Aug 12 10:29 test_mandelbrot_plot.json
-rwx------+ 1 210008258 Domain Users 124 Aug 12 10:29 test_scatter_plot.json
-rwx------+ 1 210008258 Domain Users 216 Aug 12 10:29 test_scatter_with_legend_plot.json
-rwx------+ 1 210008258 Domain Users 294 Aug 12 10:29 test_surface_plot.json
-rwx------+ 1 210008258 Domain Users 175 Aug 12 10:29 test_wide_coloured_dashed_scatter_plot.json
-rwx------+ 1 210008258 Domain Users 1919 Aug 12 10:30 test_wolfgang.json
My intent is to build this with MSVS 2015/2017/2019 so it should get exercised.
I would not make these changes to the code.
Why not? I can make the fix, and add a TODO to clear it up once conan's glog is fixed (unlikely to be any time soon).
Just curious was the test code supposed to echo tons of data to the screen?
I can't remember, but probably, as I was nervously printing everything I could get my hands on. I'll consider suppressing the output during test.