SoftGroup copied to clipboard
One class training for instance segmentation
I just have one class, how to set config file? and we set unlabel points as -100 as your config, and 0 for semantic labels. Is it right?
The training is so weird for this. Can you help see it?
2023-03-15 11:20:55,744 - INFO - Training
2023-03-15 11:21:09,408 - INFO - Epoch [1/128][10/45] lr: 0.004, eta: 2:10:54, mem: 893, data_time: 0.00, iter_time: 0.90, semantic_loss: 0.0000, offset_loss: 1.0544, cls_loss: 0.2068, mask_loss: 0.0000
, iou_score_loss: 0.0000, num_pos: 0.0000, num_neg: 10.0000, loss: 1.2613
2023-03-15 11:21:18,513 - INFO - Epoch [1/128][20/45] lr: 0.004, eta: 1:48:53, mem: 901, data_time: 0.00, iter_time: 0.99, semantic_loss: 0.0000, offset_loss: 1.2640, cls_loss: 0.0839, mask_loss: 0.0000
, iou_score_loss: 0.0000, num_pos: 0.0000, num_neg: 8.0000, loss: 1.3479
2023-03-15 11:21:27,877 - INFO - Epoch [1/128][30/45] lr: 0.004, eta: 1:42:16, mem: 901, data_time: 0.00, iter_time: 0.85, semantic_loss: 0.0000, offset_loss: 1.4361, cls_loss: 0.0335, mask_loss: 0.0000
, iou_score_loss: 0.0000, num_pos: 0.0000, num_neg: 7.0000, loss: 1.4695
2023-03-15 11:21:37,081 - INFO - Epoch [1/128][40/45] lr: 0.004, eta: 1:38:30, mem: 907, data_time: 0.00, iter_time: 0.85, semantic_loss: 0.0000, offset_loss: 1.2537, cls_loss: 0.0160, mask_loss: 0.0000
, iou_score_loss: 0.0000, num_pos: 0.0000, num_neg: 14.0000, loss: 1.2698
2023-03-15 11:21:42,295 - INFO - Validation
100%|██████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████| 45/45 [00:14<00:00, 3.17it/s]
2023-03-15 11:21:56,482 - INFO - Evaluate instance segmentation
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "tools/", line 206, in <module>
File "tools/", line 201, in main
validate(epoch, model, val_loader, cfg, logger, writer)
File "tools/", line 121, in validate
eval_res = scannet_eval.evaluate(all_pred_insts, all_gt_insts)
File "/home/a/SoftGroup/softgroup/evaluation/", line 398, in evaluate
ap_scores, rc_scores = self.evaluate_matches(matches)
File "/home/a/SoftGroup/softgroup/evaluation/", line 161, in evaluate_matches
num_true_examples = y_true_sorted_cumsum[-1]
IndexError: index -1 is out of bounds for axis 0 with size 0
@thangvubk @ZhengtianXu I have the same problem, how does softgroup work for single class instance segment, did you solve it?
@thangvubk@ZhengtianXu J'ai le même problème, comment fonctionne le softgroup pour un segment d'instance à classe unique, l'avez-vous résolu ?
did you find th solution ?