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pylint-pycharm copied to clipboard

Convert pylint output to format accepted by pycharm

Build Status


Pylint-Pycharm hat a good run, but it simply isn't necessary for the current versions of Pylint and Pycharm.

You find a simple way to configure Pylint as an external tool here:

Thank you all for your support in the past!

Pylint-Pycharm is a wrapper around Pylint that formats file paths in the Pylint output in a way that Pycharm can parse. This allows you to go to finding directly by clicking on the provided link.

The tool accepts the directory of a virtual environment as parameter and requires the paths of one or more Python files as input. The Python files/modules and all additional command line parameters are handed over to Pylint.


  • Install Pylint via pip: pip install --user pylint
  • Install Pylint-Pycharm:
    git clone
    cd pylint-pycharm
    python install
  • Setup Pylint-Pycharm as an external tool in Pycharm:
    • File\Settings, then Tools\External Tools
    • Add tool by pressing +
    • Use the following settings:
      • Program: path to your installation of pylint-pycharm
      • Arguments: --virtualenv=$PyInterpreterDirectory$ $FilePath$
      • Working directory: $ProjectFileDir$
      • Advanced Options\Output Filters: $FILE_PATH$\:$LINE$\:$COLUMN$\:.*

After setup you can execute Pylint-Pycharm through `Tools\External Tools\Pylint-Pycharm