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The WhatsApp lib

Results 103 yowsup issues
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# XMPP 协商 发起或者接受语音通话第一步是发起XMPP 协商,这个协商过程非常重要。下面是协商一个包 ```xml ac xxxxxxxx ``` 1. **语音编码参数 opus 编码, 采样率 16000/8000** 2. **pkmsg 这个是加密字段,用来协议后续发送语音数据的秘钥** 3. **call-id 同一个通话将使用相同的callid, 类似一个房间号一样,同一个callid的用户将可以听到各自的声音。** # Stun UDP 内网穿透 NAT为设备提供内网IP地址,以便在专用本地网络中使用,但是这个地址不能在外部使用。没有外部的ip地址, 双方就无法直接进行通信。为了解决这个问题,就需要Stun 技术,也就是传说中的UDP 打洞。...

**Describe the bug** What happened? Please make sure to first search existing issues and read the [FAQ](https://github.com/tgalal/yowsup/wiki/FAQ) in case this is already addressed. **Debug output** Switch on debug logging and...

Hey guys, I just noticed that the MAC encoded are truncated [here](https://github.com/tgalal/yowsup/blob/master/yowsup/layers/protocol_media/mediacipher.py#L62). ``` mac = hmac.new(mac_key, digestmod=hashlib.sha256) mac.update(iv) mac.update(ciphertext) return ciphertext + mac.digest()[:10] ``` Curious about why we are not...

Syncing a contact returns no results, and the person is not visible from the contact side, synchronization fails, if you can't sync the contact, then there is no point in...

**Describe the bug** ``` i have no access to Whatsapp. when i started the registration process i get always the following error. ``` ------------ ``` W 2024-03-29 12:16:49,776 yowsup.common.http.warequest -...

yowsup-cli registration --requestcode sms --config-phone 628777424*** --config-cc 62 --config-mcc 510 --config-mnc 11 E 2023-11-07 22:24:53,519 yowsup.config.manager - Could not find a config for profile=628777424***, paths checked: 628777424401:/root/.config/yowsup/628777424***/config.json:/root/.config/yowsup/628777424***/config.yo yowsup-cli v3.2.1 yowsup...

when i use this command : python yowsup-cli registration --requestcode sms --config-phone 86XXXXXX --config-cc 86 --config-mcc 460 --config-mnc 01 error is : b'{"login":"86XXXXXX","reason":"old_version","status":"fail"}

Copyright (c) 2012-2019 Tarek Galal http://www.openwhatsapp.org This software is provided free of charge. Copying and redistribution is encouraged. If you appreciate this software and you would like to support future...

_VERSION = "" _TOKEN = "0a1mLfGUIBVrMKF1RdvLI5lkRBvof6vn0fD2QRSMff2272cc4485e5c2fe18c266f3f6c368{phone}" _VERSION = "" _TOKEN = "0a1mLfGUIBVrMKF1RdvLI5lkRBvof6vn0fD2QRSM7a62373137918da10e863c64fa1c189f{phone}" _VERSION = "" _TOKEN = "0a1mLfGUIBVrMKF1RdvLI5lkRBvof6vn0fD2QRSM97afb39dd8996eccb83d195c5caa1461f{phone}" _VERSION = "" _TOKEN = "0a1mLfGUIBVrMKF1RdvLI5lkRBvof6vn0fD2QRSMf1ed9e53b888de57ba16bb0e22230cfb{phone}" _VERSION = "" _TOKEN = "0a1mLfGUIBVrMKF1RdvLI5lkRBvof6vn0fD2QRSM66501b231ff07285b2f7949d5e61599c{phone}"...