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ICCV2021 (Oral) - Exploring Cross-Image Pixel Contrast for Semantic Segmentation
Hello. Thanks for your great work. I have some questions about the code,what is the meaning of with_embed,Why is loss_contrast not used? 1.if with_embed is True: return loss + self.loss_weight...
Hi, Thanks for your nice work. I have some questions about T-SNE visualization. 1. What's the meaning of each point in the T-SNE visualization map of your paper. (Each point...
Nice works Can you provide the code of T-SNE visualization.I really need it. Thank you for your to rely!
Hi! We're testing your code on our dataset, the training iterations go on smoothly, but the validations in between the iterations are like extremely slow (4000 images in like 6...
Hi,sir. Thank you for release the great code. I try to use your model in my dataset. It is about optic cup and disc segmentation.The dataset has 3 classes. I...
您好,非常感谢您的贡献,请问您能把 Figure 5 可视化的代码给我嘛,谢谢您
i downloaded the cityscapes dataset for training the model HRNet-OCR. Since data from the directory 'train_extra' is so massive, i skipped the part, and only used 2975 images and labels...
Not able to run train file. Will please share the tips to run coco script step wise
Thank you very much for your work, I have a question: my model is BiSeNetV2, I want to replace my loss function with your pixel contrast loss function, but my...
Hello. Thanks for your excellent work! I transplant the loss function and memory bank of your code to my own code, and run my code on Cityscapes dataset and my...