Tim Florian Jaeger
Tim Florian Jaeger
Hi Paul, following up on this thread about allowing parameters to be constrained to certain values via prior specification: https://github.com/paul-buerkner/brms/issues/783 You pointed out that equality constraints on parameters could be...
At least for brms::brm-fitted zero-inflated Poisson models, I don't seem to be able to select interaction terms for the coefficient plot (type = "est"). The standard output contains all coefficients,...
I've been fitting models with brm() from brms that I then get the marginal likelihood for via bridge_sampler(). When I run a sequence of this (brm fit, bridge_sampler), R eventually...
**Describe the bug** Chunk options fig.width and fig.height don't seem to affect the PDF (and are not visible in the .tex file). **To Reproduce** Preamble: ``` --- title : "Title"...
This is more of a feature request / curious question (after a lot googling and reading). I've noticed that fig.width, fig.height, etc. do *not* seem to determine the size of...
Hi, I'm using tidybayes to visualize the results of a (mixed-effects) categorical ('multinomial') regression fit with brms::brm(). Even when I apply recover_types to the model prior to using add_linpred_draws(), the...
(Apologies if this has been raised and addressed before) Despite all the marvels of ggplot2 and the many amazing extension packages, one thing that continues to consume a lot of...