Tom Fennelly
Tom Fennelly
Maybe I need to work via and specify something special there ??
@egoist thanks for the reply. In the meantime, [I just created a wrapper `Page` component]( for use solely in my `vue-play` stories + added a `webpack.config.js` for use with `vue-play`...
Btw, I do think an example of how someone would redefine/override `preview.js` to e.g. include bootstrap CSS files etc would be useful. The current doc snippets appear to just show...
[See this doc]( for another wording of it. He says he also added `--registry-mirror` to `DOCKER_OPTS`.
Hi Ioan. That does sound a bit odd alright. If it was the other way around i.e. you were seeing the same issue if Smooks was loaded BEFORE, then it...
@jcordes73, @blommish hi guys. These pages are in a MediaWiki database. Would be nice to port them all to MD, but that's a huge task at this stage since there... didn't work for me. ``` [13:40:07] { Error: Cannot find module '!!./../node_modules/css-loader/index.js?sourceMap!./../node_modules/vue-loader/lib/style-rewriter.js?id=data-v-70100ddf!./../node_modules/vue-loader/lib/selector.js?type=styles&index=0!./Tabs.vue' from '/Users/tfennelly/projects/jenkins-logging-chrome-ext/node_modules/vue-strap/dist' ``` Tantalising, but disappointing in the end 😢 might be an alternative if you're not already using vue-strap.