textlint-plugin-latex2e copied to clipboard
In the itemize environment, \item is not considered as the end of the sentence.
This problem occurs when used in conjunction with ja-technical-writing
In the itemize and description environments, lines beginning with \item are recognized as a single sentence.
I have checked this issue with no-double-joshi and max-length.
Caused by this ?
I've confirmed that the problem has been reproduced.
$ echo << EOF > package.json
"name": "issue262",
"version": "1.0.0",
"description": "",
"main": "index.js",
"scripts": {
"test": "echo \"Error: no test specified\" && exit 1"
"author": "",
"license": "ISC",
"dependencies": {
"textlint": "^12.0.2",
"textlint-plugin-latex2e": "^1.1.4",
"textlint-rule-preset-ja-technical-writing": "^7.0.0"
$ echo << EOF > .textlintrc
"plugins": ["latex2e"],
"rules": {
"preset-ja-technical-writing": {
"no-doubled-joshi": {
"min_interval": 1,
"separatorCharacters": [".", ".", "。", "?", "!", "?", "!"]
$ echo << EOF > sample.tex
\item{item1} これはサンプル。
\item{item2} これはサンプル。
\item{item2} これはサンプル。
\item これはサンプル。
\item これはサンプル。
\item これはサンプル。
$ npm install
$ npx textlint sample.tex
3:20 error 一文に二回以上利用されている助詞 "は" がみつかりました。 ja-technical-writing/no-doubled-joshi
4:20 error 一文に二回以上利用されている助詞 "は" がみつかりました。 ja-technical-writing/no-doubled-joshi
7:13 error 一文に二回以上利用されている助詞 "は" がみつかりました。 ja-technical-writing/no-doubled-joshi
8:13 error 一文に二回以上利用されている助詞 "は" がみつかりました。 ja-technical-writing/no-doubled-joshi
9:13 error 一文に二回以上利用されている助詞 "は" がみつかりました。 ja-technical-writing/no-doubled-joshi
✖ 5 problems (5 errors, 0 warnings)
@t4t5u0 As you pointed out, the current implementation is incomplete and may be causing these false positives due to problems of parsing.
Normally, if sentences containing the same joshi are punctuated within a paragraph, no problem will be detected, as shown below. Therefore, it is not a problem with these detection rules, but with this plugin.
$ cat << EOF > sample2.tex
$ npx textlint sample2.tex
$ echo $?
We will try to solve the problem. The current workaround is to disable certain detection rules at certain places. textlint-filter-rule-comments will help you. https://github.com/textlint/textlint-filter-rule-comments
Thank you for reply. In my environment, rules ignore works too.