JS is optional. If it's disabled by default, most people will drop dead and discontinue the Dooble. So, it's enabled by default to prevent despair. Anti-drop-dead people will discover Dooble...
That was completed billions of years ago. Wait, let me read the release notes!
Never mind, style sheets. The other thing is not very interesting. You should request another ticket.
Closing because zero interest. Have fun and stuff.
This is abandoned and incomplete. Closing and thanks and see you whenever.
Dooble = two. Gemini = two.
I requested more information about jar. Like, how do you want the files presented? jar is a difficult problem: - a browser has a history and a jar scheme results...
Gemini. A list of public servers is required. If we can't access servers, the protocol is going to be whatever you think it is. If you think it follows the...
The implementation has to work like gopher. In Dooble, gopher is like http. History, source view, stop, etc. You don't need to compile Qt. It's not an add-on. The implementation...
Been a while. Dynamically retrieving all shortcuts of an application is possible. However! Context matters. A window may not include duplicates, but the application may. Custom shortcuts are possible but...