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Not Urgent : Maximum number of loans per member.
According to my tests
The Member/Site/Maximum Reserved Books defined in the member manager is not taken into account when lending so a user can borrow more than his maximum allowed.
in the example, the user can borrow a maximum of 6 books and 9 are already borrowed
Aw shucks. Thanks you.
Did you read the release notes of 2021.10.30?
Maximum reserved books. Please upgrade the database schemas. Limits are not enforced.
Added a new label to patron information as well as updated the limit tool tip. Complete!
I had not read the release notes of 2021-10-30 :-) , which would have changed just the beginning of my message
Can BiblioteQ take into account the maximum number of books that can be borrowed defined in the member management interface.
- the librarian can define a maximum.
- the librarian can define zero as a disregard value for the limit.
For me BiblioteQ has all the information to manage the limit set by the Librarian.
suggestion of evolution : when a new user is created, the value is set to zero (no limit) the librarian can set a limit and if the user has borrowed more books than allowed, a window asks the librarian at the time of loan if he allows the user to exceed this limit.
The default is 0. :P
suggestion of evolution : when a new user is created, the value is set to zero (no limit) the librarian can set a limit and if the user has borrowed more books than allowed, a window asks the librarian at the time of loan if he allows the user to exceed this limit.
The prompt is indirect because the information is present in the dialog. You have N items borrowed while your limit is X. I think that's sufficient.
in case speedy reservations is activated, the display is not present and therefore the librarian does not have the information.
Nor batch activities.
It's not a catastrophic failure. I don't share the same immediate concern as you do.
I have never suggested a catastrophe, nor a time frame to solve the catastrophe :-) for me, the tickets are just there to signal things.
The release notes indicate that I'm aware. :P
For batches, you'd see N error results.
For speedy, you'd have one prompt or possibly several.
For normal, you'd have a prompt before each item borrowed or a single prompt with a do-not-ask-again option.
Prompt hell.
in conclusion, long live the release notes
good luck for your activities
Well, kind of. For me, the solution is multi-faceted. For the librarian, be aware of your community.
thank you for the evolution and the consideration of the maximum limit.
I thought that the batch activities feature was not yet functional ? I always get the message "Error retrieving copy number".
Need a sample image or data of the input.
You're missing the copy identifier or you provided an incorrect one.
Added other error reporting.
I understood my problem : I was only filling in the identifier and thought it would work like speedy reservations for the copy identifier field.
I don't really see the benefit if you have to make so many mouse clicks compared to standard loans with speedy.
in the original idea (for me) it was to put BQ in loan mode for a user and scan the barcodes without any mouse clicks.
You're welcome to provide enhancements. When does it all end? :P
OK, new edit triggers enabled for the table. Double-clicking is not required. You'll have to experiment.
You're welcome to provide enhancements. When does it all end? :P
I also ask myself the same questions: stop or continue :-) I would like to help you more and being dependent on you doesn't satisfy me at all. The cpp language is really too complicated for me to make an evolution of BiblioteQ and to propose you advances.
I have few choices left: 1 - learn cpp -> see you in 10 years :-) 2 - continue to ask for tickets (I see that BiblioteQ interests you less and less). 3 - create with python and pyqt scripts that exploit the BiblioteQ database (what I'm testing) and let BiblioteQ live (no more tickets from me) but it's not like the integration in BiblioteQ. 4 - stop my participation in BiblioteQ.
If your feeling is : the user meteos77 asks for too many things = 3 or 4 will be my decision.
BQ is super mature. It's also open and therefore endless in scope.
New input field for scanning and adding a new data row. I used a scanner for those new rows. After, I clicked on the top copy identifier row, the application entered edit mode for that item, and I scanned the same ISBN. I then clicked the down arrow. The program enabled editing for that item and I scanned. Repeat. This is easy for me now.
Library applications are made for scanners. BQ is not a scanning application, although it supports scanners. This new input field emulates a hidden buffer which scanning applications have. These applications don't have input focus. They have various states when you're scanning a member identifier or an ISBN or a UPC or some other value. BQ doesn't target these specifics because it's open and not targeted to such an environment.
You're welcome to provide enhancements. When does it all end? :P
I also ask myself the same questions: stop or continue :-) I would like to help you more and being dependent on you doesn't satisfy me at all. The cpp language is really too complicated for me to make an evolution of BiblioteQ and to propose you advances.
I have few choices left: 1 - learn cpp -> see you in 10 years :-) 2 - continue to ask for tickets (I see that BiblioteQ interests you less and less). 3 - create with python and pyqt scripts that exploit the BiblioteQ database (what I'm testing) and let BiblioteQ live (no more tickets from me) but it's not like the integration in BiblioteQ. 4 - stop my participation in BiblioteQ.
If your feeling is : the user meteos77 asks for too many things = 3 or 4 will be my decision.
Your decision is your decision. However, abandoning something because the primary caregiver has other responsibilities is kind of stupid. Sorry. Ideas new continuation. Interest needs continuation. It's like a kid. You have it and you need to continue until you perish. Dedication is hard bro.
I have been following BiblioteQ quite regularly for almost a year and the only one who has developed new features is you. So yes this project depends on you and you are doing a fantastic job.
My first interest is to find a software that meets our needs to manage our library, BiblioteQ offers a lot of features but after one year of development, BiblioteQ still doesn't meet our needs and it's normal that I ask myself the question to continue or give up in this way to be ready for the change.
example with python, I started a tool to convert the unimarc of the central library to a .csv file (with fields 995) for import in BiblioteQ.
It works but if you do it, it will be integrated in BiblioteQ and will not go through the csv import. This will be easier and more integrated for us users.