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Creation of statistical features.
I have redone a part of the table that we have to fill in every year I think that BiblioteQ should be able to help us to fill it in 0,0001 second :-)
I started to use python and pyqt5 language, that allows me to use qtcreator I have not yet succeeded in creating the i18n to present it to you in English. but this gives you an idea of presentation.
there are 2 parts of the table
the first one is about Collections (letter D) because we only have printed books) if I analyze "D1 - Printed books" : some fields need information that we can't store in the BiblioteQ database yet
the target_audience field : allows to make the difference between adults and young people
- no fields yet for the origin of the documents (Purchases, Loans, Donations)
- no field yet for the date of entry/exit in the library
- no way yet to delete an item from the library
the 2nd part concerns the uses and the users (letter E)
I think that the database will allow to fill the part E1 - Users concerning the part E2 (it asks the separation of the documents in own funds and the documents lent by the central library) so same request as for D1
to manage the statistics (anonymization, I think it would be necessary to create additional fields.
text fields "document origin" (Purchases; Donations; Loans)
date fields: (Date_Arrival ; Date_Departure)
Adding in the field "Condition" of the value: "reformed".
I will try to work on this part that I haven't explored too much for the moment
For the annual statistics I would like to know the origin of the document with 5 possibilities
- Purchase
- Donation
- Permanent loan
- Temporary loan
- Reformatted
Can you add these values in the Originality field.
For us, the Originality field is useless because we only have originals and no copies (black or color).
A reminder is listed in the TO-DO and briefly summarizes this request. Statistics information is very custom. Have you looked at an SQLite Web interface? For BQ, it would be a huge mini-project because it's (a) custom and (b) large in scope and (c) requires graphs and (d) would include special queries and (e) would prefer export and (f) probably integration of dynamic queries.
even if BiblioteQ doesn't offer statistics (because it's too personal), I will develop my own statistics (with python and the sqlite module) as indicated in the previous message but I need to be able to put the information in the BiblioteQ fields to be able to use them in my statistics program.
I have to answer questions like:
- how many books were purchased during the year for the adult and children's categories?
- how many books were given to us during the year?
- how many books were destocked during the year for the adult and children's categories?
- how many books did the central library lend us during the period?
if the information is in the database, having this information should not be too difficult to formulate for the distinction adults / children, the target_audience field is perfect.
- the date remains to be sure of the year (purchase, donation, loan, reform).
and how the document was received in the library (purchase; donation; loans; reform): the original field seems to me to be appropriate but as it is not customizable (database enumeration), I am obliged to ask you a small modification of the proposed list.
even if BiblioteQ doesn't offer statistics (because it's too personal), I will develop my own statistics (with python and the sqlite module) as indicated in the previous message but I need to be able to put the information in the BiblioteQ fields to be able to use them in my statistics program.
That's precisely my argument. SQL is perfect for gathering information on a set of data. The application is not the place in my opinion.
I understood that my statistics were particular so I would work on them in python in my corner. I would certainly need your help on some complicated SQL queries.
The statistics are for the past year so I really have time to do this.
on the other hand, I think I'm missing some fields to store information to create statistics when importing the old database.
for example : the documents are they in own funds or the documents come from a loan of the central library or a donation. 1 - a new field : origin of the document (Library, Central Library, Private donation, Brocante)
the date of arrival: it asks us how many were bought in the year. 2 - a new field: date of arrival
how many have been removed from the library during the year. 3- a new field: date of disposal
With these 3 new fields, I think that I answer all the questionnaire concerning the documents. with the crossing of target_audience