texstudio copied to clipboard
The ToolTip-preview disappears immediately
- TeXstudio: 2.12.14 (as well as 2.12.14) Using Qt Version 5.11.2, compiled with Qt 5.11.2 R
- OS: Mac OS 10.13.4
- TeX distribution: texlive
Expected behavior
The citation autocomplete preview used to show the references as long as I wanted.
Actual behavior
The tooltip-preview now disappearing immediately. I tried to re-install Texstudio (tried both version 2.12.12 & 2.12.14). I also removed my profiles (deleted .config file in the user folder). But, the preview just disappears. I don't know why this happens.
here is a video if you guys want to see it. http://take.ms/2zDXr
How to reproduce
Just try to use the autocomplete feature.
I found a similar issue described in stackexchange: https://tex.stackexchange.com/questions/120370/texstudio-commands-on-mouse-over-quickly-disappear But, the solution given there doesn't work for me.
I just realized that the problems is introduced in version 2.12.10 beta 1. (Version 2.12.8 works as expected). The preview window (the yellow preview) stays there until I move the cursor to the next reference http://take.ms/xJ41z This is the normal behavior
I believe the bug is introduced when @sunderme was adding the fuzzy autocomplete feature.
can't reproduce
can't reproduce
are you using the Mac version?
I can‘t reproduce it on win 10.
okay, i try again on osx
looks like qt bug,starting from qt 5.11. I don‘t see an approach to avoid the bug. if you click on the completer entry, the tooltip stays as expected.
Thanks for the follow-up dear @sunderme
looks like qt bug,starting from qt 5.11. I don‘t see an approach to avoid the bug.
OH, that is unfortunate.
I can report the bug to the developers of QT: but, I am not even sure how to describe the problem because qt seems an underlying framework: I barely know anything about it. I am just a regular user; know nothing about software development.
Anyways, I have reported the problem to the developers of qt in layman terms: https://github.com/therecipe/qt/issues/795
I was thinking if you guys communicate with each other (with the developers of qt)? (or at least describe the problem in terms that the developers of qt would understand).
Upon the recommendations from Github page of QT, I now reported the issue in another page: https://bugreports.qt.io/browse/QTBUG-74658
Same issue here. It seems installing an old version before 2.12.10 beta 1 is a work-around?
The developers of QT do not respond to the bug report made by @Dellu . Could anyone kindly improve the bug report?
- TeXstudio: 2.12.16
- Qt: Qt 5.12.3 R
- OS: macOS Sierra 10.12.6
- TeX distribution: texlive
Same issue on Windows 10 with TeXstudio 2.12.16 and Qt 5.12.1 R (using texlive). Has anyone found a solution already?
I have the same issue on two computers (both Windows 10) with TexStudio 2.12.16 and TeXstudio 3.0.1, Qt Version 5.12.1.
The only workaround I found so far is to disable the checkbox "Show preview as tooltip on formulas in editor" under the preview tab.
Upon the recommendations from Github page of QT, I now reported the issue in another page: https://bugreports.qt.io/browse/QTBUG-74658
@Dellu @sunderme Noted the bug report to Qt was quickly closed due to lack of a minimal test case.
Hi all,
I'm experiencing a somehow different but related issue with the 3.1.2 (OSX). When clicking with the mouse, I can see the bib preview. But if I use the keyboard, it disappears after a second or so. I couldn't find any solution to this. Anyone?
@juanmduran .
I believe the issue was fixed on version 2.12.16.
The release note of that build reads "- somes fixes for tool-tip preview by MeanSquaredError".
@Dellu thank you for the response, but the issue is there -- texstudio 3.1.2 - OSX 11.5.1. I've played around with Adv. Editor -> Special Options -> Show help as tooltip/Show help on commands, but nothing changed. Also in Preview -> Show preview as tooltip. Essentially, anything related to the tooltip. But I cannot manage to have the preview open for more than a second using the keyboard. Again, clicking with the mouse is ok.
Have you tried version 2.12.16?
I am using that older build, and the issue sees to be resolved. The tooltip disappears only I have inserted the citation (clicking or hitting Enter).
I haven't, but why would I? 3.1.2 has fixed a number of issues that make it more appealing that any older version (particularly 2.x.x. versions). Just to be clear, I can see the bib window (i.e., the one that you send me a link). I can even select an entry by clicking or hitting Enter. The problem is with the preview of the entry. If I move down the entries with the keyboard, I can only see the preview for a second. Instead, if I click on any given the entry, I can see the preview just fine.
I hope this clarifies the confusion.
If I move down the entries with the keyboard, I can only see the preview for a second. Instead, if I click on any given the entry, I can see the preview just fine.
Well, it is my mistake. You are right. The preview is still disappearing fast in my version as well.
you could try 4.0.0beta1. It uses Qt6 instead of Qt5.
Hi @sunderme thanks for the tip, but it is not better. The preview entry doesn't even work anymore (not even when you click on it). So I'm back to 3.1.2.
I want to push this, and confirm the behaviour is still there as of version 4.4.1 (on MacOS 13.1)
Also having this issue: TeXstudio 4.7.2 (git 4.7.2) Using Qt Version 6.6.0, compiled with Qt 6.6.0 R Sonoma 14.3.1 (M1 Mac)
When using the mouse the tooltip remains for ~1 second but when using the arrow keys it disappears almost instantly.
current master (4.7.3 (git 4.7.3beta3-2-gf867f807e), Qt Version 6.6.1, compiled with Qt 6.6.1 R) has no issue with win10:
I type
then move arrow-down key to scroll the list. Preview stays about 18 seconds.
There's a hint in the code:
Note on tooltip usage: It is not possible to hide and shortly afterwards reshow a tooltip
with the same text (there's some interference between the internal hideTimer of the tooltip and
the internal tooltip-reuse when QToolTip::showText() for the same text. As a result, the tooltip
does not persist. This is a Qt-Bug.
Workaround: we cannot QToolTip::hideText generally and QToolTip::showText as needed. Therefore we have to
hide the tooltip in every single exit branch of the function that does not show the tooltip.