bordered-text copied to clipboard
Do not work anymore with flutter 3.10 on IOS
since flutter 3.10 it's not working on IOS devices anymore.
does anyone experiences the same problem ?
it seems a known issue :
so accordng to that it may be because it's still unimplemented with impeller.
reading that :
we may be able to fix it by adding that key to Info.plist :
<false />
Adding the FLTEnableImpeller key on Info.plist worked for me as well. Thanks!
me too! thanks so much!
The fix is implemented on the engine and has landed on flutter master on July, 13:
@dragouf Now that the fix got merged can you try again?
The problem still exists
The problem still exists
As writen here
it should already be fixed in on master.
So you can test it in master or wait until the next Flutter version so above 3.13.9
3.16.0 worked fine
This has since been closed in the Flutter repo:
It works on my machine with Flutter 3.19.1, so I assume this can be closed.