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Webpack loader to put HTML partials in the Angular's $templateCache.

Angular Template loader for webpack

Puts HTML partials in the Angular's $templateCache so directives can use templates without initial downloading.

Webpack and loaders

Webpack is the webpack and it's module bundler. Loaders wrap content in the javascript code that executes in the browser.


npm install ng-cache-loader


You can require html partials via ng-cache-loader:


Partial will be available as ng-include="'myPartial.html'" or templateUrl: 'myPartial.html'.

Note that the inline require syntax is used in examples for simplicity. It's recommended to use webpack config.

Named templates

You can wrap template in the script tag:

<!-- ./demo/template/myPartial.html -->

<script type ="text/ng-template" id="myFirstTemplate">
  <!-- then use ng-include="'myFirstTemplate'" -->

You can have multiple templates in one file:

<!-- ./demo/template/myPartial.html -->

<script type ="text/ng-template" id="myFirstTemplate">
  <!-- then use ng-include="'myFirstTemplate'" -->

<script type ="text/ng-template" id="mySecondTemplate">
  <!-- then use ng-include="'mySecondTemplate'" -->

You can mix named templates and simple markup:

<!-- ./demo/template/myPartial.html -->

<script type ="text/ng-template" id="myFirstTemplate">
  <!-- then use ng-include="'myFirstTemplate'" -->

<!-- markup outside script tags available as ng-include="'myPartial.html'" -->
<div ng-include="'myFirstTemplate'">...</div>

<script type ="text/ng-template" id="mySecondTemplate">
  <!-- then use ng-include="'mySecondTemplate'" -->


Prefix adds path left of template name:

// => ng-include="'public/templates/myPartial.html'"

Prefix can mask the real directory with the explicit value or retrieve the real directory name (use * or [dir]):

// => ng-include="'public/path/templates/myPartial.html'" 

Prefix can strip the real directory name (use //):

// => ng-include="'public/far/path/templates/myPartial.html'" 

Prefix can be extended through a directory tree (use ** or [dirs]). See the next section.


You can specify root directory for templates separated by a colon prefix=root:**. It is enough to specify a single directory name. Prefix counts real template path from right to left and takes first (rightmost) occurance of the root directory.

  ├─ app/tmpls/field.html
  └─ components/skins/tmpls/yellow.html

With this directory tree you require templates from the inside of app/tmpls and components/skins/tmpls:

// => ng-include="'app/tmpls/field.html'"

// => ng-include="'components/skins/tmpls/yellow.html'"

It is also possible to combine wildcards in prefix, i.e. prefix=packman:**/tmpls//*.


Use name query parameter to strip file extension or add suffix:

// => ng-include="'field.tpl'"

// => ng-include="'field-foo.html'"

Note. File extension are defined as any char sequence after the last ..


By default, templates will be added to the default AngularJS 'ng' module run() method. Use this parameter to use a different module name:


If the module does not exist it is created.

Dynamic pattern for Module:


In such query [root] means that first part of templateId (here it is path/to/myPartial.html) will be stripped out and placed as a part of moduleId.

In current example resulting values:

  • moduleId: "moduleName.path"
  • templateId: "to/myPartial.html"

Useful in case you want save few bytes.

Template id

To obtain template id use exportIdOnly query parameter. Loader exports id of a template.

var template = require('ng-cache?exportIdOnly!./field.html')

$('#wrapper').html(`<div id="bootstrapElement" data-ng-include="'${template}'"></div>`);
angular.bootstrap($('#bootstrapElement'), [someModule]);

To obtain both template id and html partial use exportId query parameter. Loader exports object with id and template keys.

var template = require('ng-cache?exportId!./field.html')

$('#wrapper').html(`<div id="bootstrapElement" data-ng-include="'${}'"></div>`);
angular.bootstrap($('#bootstrapElement'), [someModule]);

Webpack config

Match .html extension with loader:

module: {
    loaders: [
            test: /\.html$/,
            loader: "ng-cache?prefix=[dir]/[dir]"

Note that the inline require syntax is used in examples for simplicity. It's recommended to use webpack config. Please see this comment and the manual.

HTML minification

Minification is enabled by default. You can switch it off by setting -minimize:


The html-minifier is used for templates minification with the default options:

    removeComments: true,
    removeCommentsFromCDATA: true,
    collapseWhitespace: true,
    conservativeCollapse: true,
    preserveLineBreaks: true,
    removeEmptyAttributes: true,
    keepClosingSlash: true

You can override any of options with the negative query parameter:


Or you can extend defaults with minimizeOptions:

var minimizeOptions = {
    conservativeCollapse: false,
    preserveLineBreaks: false
module.exports = {
    module: {
        loaders: [
            {test: /\.html$/, loader: 'ng-cache?minimizeOptions=' + JSON.stringify(minimizeOptions)}

URL resolve

Relative links to the local images are resolved by default (to prevent it use -url query param).

<!-- Source -->
<img src="../img/logo.png"></img>

<!-- becomes -->
<img src="data:image/png;base64,..."></img>

Use this in conjunction with url-loader. For instance:


Using webpack config is more convenience:

module: {
    loaders: [
        { test: /\.html$/, loader: "ng-cache?prefix=[dir]/[dir]" },
        { test: /\.png$/, loader: 'url?name=img/[name].[ext]&mimetype=image/png' },
        { test: /\.gif$/, loader: 'url?name=img/[name].[ext]&mimetype=image/gif' }

To switch off url resolving use -url query param:

