website-blocker-chrome.ext icon indicating copy to clipboard operation
website-blocker-chrome.ext copied to clipboard

Website Blocker for Chrome Extension

Website Blocker Chrome Extension

Website Blocker is useful when you want to concentrate on work.

Chrome Webstore | GitHub Page

Build Status Coverage Status


(facebook|twitter|reddit).com 0930-1259,1300-1530
(www|b) 1000-1259

Above and below is the same meaning.

Can't access '' and '' and '' until 12:59 from 9:30 and until 15:30 from 13:00.
Can't access '' and '' until 10:00 from 12:59.
Can't access ''


  • Block the URL including the specified character string.
  • Block only between the specified time.
  • You can change the warning message.
  • You can switch ON/OFF of each function.

About Incognito window:

  1. Open an Incognito window.
  2. Open an extension manager on Incognito window.
  3. Check an 'Allow in incognito' of 'Website Blocker'

Is there a way to hide the toolbar icon?:

Yes, you must be right click on hide the toolbar icon. There is "Hide button".


  • English
  • German
  • Spanish
  • French
  • Italy
  • Japanese
  • Korean
  • Portuguese
  • Sinhala
  • Slovenian
  • Turkish
  • Chinese



Tetsuwo OISHI