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A selection of clojurescript / reagent examples

Unearthing Clojurescript

This repo contains the bare minimum required to get started with a Reagent project in Clojurescript, as described in this blog post. Visit https://www.toptal.com/blog and subscribe to our newsletter to read great posts!

I Just Want To Get My Hands Dirty

  • Install Leiningen: https://leiningen.org/
  • Run lein figwheel
  • Edit src/cljs/unearthing-clojurescript/app.cljs and see the results!

Places of Note

There aren't many things to actually look at here - getting started with Clojurescript is simple and doesn't require much set-up!


Here we have our project definition. This is specific to leiningen, which is a popular Clojure (and Clojurescript) build tool. Most things should be self-explanatory, especially if you have used something like Gradle before.


This describes the binding point for our Reagent application. Our app will hook into the div with the id=app. Here we also load in our generated Javascript (compiled from Clojurescript) and our CSS sheets.


In our core.cljs we have our applications starting point. Here I like to load our devtools and set up our environment, including binding to our index.html. We pull in our top level app module and start up reagent!


Finally, we have app.cljs, which is where we can start building our application. I like to split each component into STYLES, STATE and VIEW for our CSS, state (redux etc.) and component definitions accordingly, but this is just personal preference!


lein figwheel - start the figwheel auto-reloading server

lein cljsbuild once - build the whole cljs project

lein clsbuild auto - build the whole cljs and watch for changse