Tudor Sandu
Tudor Sandu
[This image](https://miro.medium.com/max/1100/1*pMk3h0dIYMb_I1iJCjriPQ.webp) might answer a lot better than I ever could. Sure, you can force users to say "aprinde/stinge" instead of their usual "deschide/inchide". Dictionaries recommend it. But if you...
It doesn't make sense in English to "open a light". You turn it on. You open a gate, which you can't turn on. It's different in Romanian. "A inchide" literally...
"incuie"/"descuie" are for the [`lock` domain](https://www.home-assistant.io/integrations/lock/), not the `cover` domain. And that's not yet covered in the [supported intents](https://voice.home-assistant.io/docs/intents/supported-intents).
Not sure if you've thought about this in advance, but it might help to "require context" with **any** value for certain slots. For example a certain sentence should signal an...
Fair enough, we can do that. The only device class that would be useful for would probably be external rollers (e.g. when leaving on vacation), but that's really not a...
@synesthesiam what about inferred context such as saying "close the blinds" in a certain room, meaning "close the blinds in that room"? How do we handle that?
@relust te rog fa merge la branch-ul main inainte de a trimite un nou commit catre review. Sunt cateva chestii outdated.
@VladimirV01 nu conteaza ordinea in care faci commit, important e sa fie in acelasi pull request noile propozitii si testele pentru ele.
Thanks, but your PR is not enough to fix the issue. First off, you have the same issue which you left unaddressed for `clear-night`, `lightning-rainy`, `snowy-rainy` and `windy-variant`. But more...
@balloob @synesthesiam i know the tests will fail, I've only fixed the EN ones for now, but before undertaking the massive task of correcting all tests in all languages, I'd...