react-native-simple-stepper icon indicating copy to clipboard operation
react-native-simple-stepper copied to clipboard

A parity version of the iOS UIStepper.


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A simple react-native implementation of the UIStepper control from iOS. To note, customization is available, see Props for more info.

Table of contents

  • Installation
  • Usage
  • Using Text Position
  • Props
    • Values
    • Functions
    • Styles


  • yarn add react-native-simple-stepper
  • npm install react-native-simple-stepper --save


import React, {useState} from 'react';
import {SimpleStepper} from 'react-native-simple-stepper';

const App = () => {
  const [value, setValue] = useState(0);
  return <SimpleStepper valueChanged={(newValue) => setValue(newValue)} />;

export default App;

Using Text Position

First, set prop showText to true. Second, set prop textPosition to be left, center or right (default: center). Third, profit. It will render as a <Text/> component by default or you can override it with renderText prop. Example layouts:

Left Center Right
screenshot screenshot screenshot



Name Type Description Default
initialValue Number initial value 0
minimumValue Number minimum value 0
maximumValue Number maximum value 10
stepValue Number step value (ex. increment by 10) 1
incrementImage String or Number network or local image require('./assets/increment.png')
decrementImage String or Number network or local image require('./assets/decrement.png')
activeOpacity Number touch opacity 0.4
disabledOpacity Number when step button is disabled 0.5
disabled Boolean stepper disable state false
wraps Boolean whether or not it wraps. more info false
showText Boolean whether or not to show text component false
textPosition String placement of the text component center


Name Type Description Default
valueChanged Function invoked when value changes () => {}
onMin Function invoked when value reaches minimumValue () => {}
onMax Function invoked when value reaches maximumValue () => {}
onIncrement Function invoked each time value increments () => {}
onDecrement Function invoked each time value decrements () => {}
renderDecrementImage Function used to override decrement image component undefined
renderIncrementImage Function used to override increment image component undefined
renderDecrementStep Function used to override decrement step component undefined
renderIncrementStep Function used to override increment step component undefined
renderText Function used to override text component when showText is true (defaults to Text/>) undefined


Name Type Description Default
textStyle Object text component style { padding: 8, fontSize: 20, fontWeight: 'bold', color: 'blue' }
containerStyle Object container component style { backgroundColor: 'transparent', flexDirection: 'row', borderWidth: 2, borderRadius: 8, overflow: 'hidden', alignItems: 'center', borderColor: 'blue' }
separatorStyle Object separator component style { width: StyleSheet.hairlineWidth, backgroundColor: 'blue', height: '100%' }
incrementStepStyle Object increment step component style { padding: 8 }
decrementStepStyle Object decrement step component style { padding: 8 }
incrementImageStyle Object increment image component styles { height: 36, width: 36 }
decrementImageStyle Object decrement image component styles { height: 36, width: 36 }