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How to render components with accessors: true?
How can I render a component with accessors
set to true
According to this release, it looks like it should exist.
But when I do this:
const utils = render(Input, {
accessors: true,
props: { value: "foo"},
I get this:
- Error:
- Unknown options were found [accessors]. This might happen if you've mixed
- passing in props with Svelte options into the render function. Valid Svelte options
- are [anchor,props,hydrate,intro,context]. You can either change the prop names, or pass in your
- props for that component via the `props` option.
- Eg: const { /** Results **/ } = render(MyComponent, { props: { /** props here **/ } })
Also when I try to access the prop directly like this:
I get this:
- Error: <VolumeControl>: Props cannot be read directly from the component instance unless compiling with 'accessors: true' or '<svelte:options accessors/>'
I also found this from here, which does work:
const utils = render(Input, { value: "" });
const component = utils.component.$$;
* Update component such that value = asdf
But I have no idea why this works and it is undocumented. It is also quite cumbersome to write.
I think that all that needs to be done is to add 'accessors' to the list of recognized options. See my associated PR #197
@yanick @Visual-Dawg
This is no longer working, at least for me. I'm getting the following error:
Error: Props cannot be read directly from the component instance
unless compiling with 'accessors: true' or '<svelte:options accessors/>'
@yuliankarapetkov Can you provide an example where it's sprouting that error?
@yanick I am running unit tests (same result with Jest and Vitest). I want to test the props of a component. It works as expected if I add the following to the component:
<svelte:options accessors/>
But adding accessors: true
to the render function alone doesn't work.
I am running unit tests (same result with Jest and Vitest).
As in, the unit tests of svelte-testing-library itself, or unit tests of your own project. Because here I have the dreaded "works for me":
$ jest src/__tests__/render.test.js
PASS src/__tests__/render.test.js
✓ renders component into the document (30 ms)
✓ programmatically change props (8 ms)
✓ change props with accessors (7 ms)
✓ should accept props directly (5 ms)
✓ should accept svelte component options (8 ms)
✓ should throw error when mixing svelte component options and props (18 ms)
✓ should return a container object, which contains the DOM of the rendered component (5 ms)
✓ correctly find component constructor on the default property (4 ms)
✓ accept the 'context' option (3 ms)
Test Suites: 1 passed, 1 total
Tests: 9 passed, 9 total
Snapshots: 1 passed, 1 total
Time: 1.761 s, estimated 2 s
Ran all test suites matching /src\/__tests__\/render.test.js/i.
@yanick sorry for not being clear - unit tests in my own project.
@yanick sorry for not being clear - unit tests in my own project.
Can you provide a link to a repo that has this unit test, or a simplified version of it that exhibit the problem?
@yanick yes, here's a Stackblitz demo
@yanick yes, here's a Stackblitz demo
YES! Thank you.
You need to also add a
compilerOptions: {
accessors: true
block in svelte.config.js
. I'll see if I can add something to the docs about that (that is, if I can edit the docs...).
@yanick thanks a lot! Is it possible to set this option conditionally only when used for unit testing and for production builds?
@yanick yes, here's a Stackblitz demo
YES! Thank you.
You need to also add a
compilerOptions: { accessors: true },
block in
. I'll see if I can add something to the docs about that (that is, if I can edit the docs...).
Would'nt this also affect the non-test build though?
@yanick - Can you comment on the question from @eunukasiko (above)?
That is, would adding the following to svelte.config.js
affect the non-test build? This would seem an important question in the case of building a library of components.
If so, would it be possible to put that setting in one of the test config files (e.g.: vitest.config.ts
@yanick - Can you comment on the question from @eunukasiko (above)?
That is, would adding the following to
affect the non-test build? This would seem an important question in the case of building a library of components.If so, would it be possible to put that setting in one of the test config files (e.g.:
Sorry, lost track of this issue. :-)
And yup, setting it directly like put above in svelte.config.js
would also affect non-test builds. There are a few ways to get around that. The most sane is the one you point out: override the config in vitest.config.ts
. Another way would be to set an env variable TEST when testing and have in svelte.config.js
compilerOptions: {
accessors: !! process.env.TEST, // true if TEST holds anything, false otherwise