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🔍 Find elements in Playwright with queries from Testing Library


🔍 Find elements in playwright like your users with queries from @testing-library/dom

Build Status Test Coverage Code Style Package Version
MIT License Conventional Commits Maintenance

✨ Features

All of your favorite user-centric querying functions from @testing-library/react and @testing-library/dom available from Playwright!

  • Playwright Test fixture@playwright-testing-library/test/fixture or...
  • Standalone queries — playwright-testing-library/@playwright-testing-library/test
  • Asynchronous assertion helper (via wait-for-expect)

🌱 Getting Started

1. Install

# For use with Playwright
npm install --save-dev playwright-testing-library

# For use with Playwright Test
npm install --save-dev @playwright-testing-library/test


# For use with Playwright
yarn add --dev playwright-testing-library

# For use with Playwright Test
yarn add --dev @playwright-testing-library/test

2a. Use Playwright Test fixture

import {test as baseTest} from '@playwright/test'
import {fixtures, within, TestingLibraryFixtures} from '@playwright-testing-library/test/fixture'

// As only fixture
const test = baseTest.extend<TestingLibraryFixtures>(fixtures)

// Alternatively, with other fixtures
interface Fixtures extends TestingLibraryFixtures {
  // ... additional fixture types

const test = baseTest.extend<Fixtures>({
  // ... additional fixtures

const {expect} = test

// Query methods are available in `test` blocks
test('my form', async ({queries: {getByTestId}}) => {
  const $form = await getByTestId('my-form')

  // Scope queries with `within`
  const {getByLabelText} = within($form)

  const $email = await getByLabelText('Email')

  // Interact with Playwright like usual
  await $email.type('[email protected]')

  // ...

2b. Use standalone queries

const {webkit} = require('playwright') // or 'firefox' or 'chromium'
const {getDocument, queries} = require('playwright-testing-library')

const {getByTestId, getByLabelText} = queries

const browser = await webkit.launch()
const page = await browser.newPage()

// Grab ElementHandle for document
const $document = await getDocument(page)

// Your favorite query methods are available
const $form = await getByTestId($document, 'my-form')

// Returned elements are ElementHandles too!
const $email = await getByLabelText($form, 'Email')

// Interact with playwright like usual
await $email.type('[email protected]')

// ...


Unique methods, not part of @testing-library/dom

  • Get an ElementHandle for the document

    getDocument(page: playwright.Page): ElementHandle
  • Wait for an assertion (wrapper around wait-for-expect)

      expectation: () => void | Promise<void>,
      timeout?: number,
      interval?: number
    ): Promise<{}>

The @testing-library/dom — All get* and query* methods are supported.

  • getQueriesForElement(handle: ElementHandle): ElementHandle & QueryUtils - extend the input object with the query API and return it
  • getNodeText(handle: ElementHandle): Promise<string> - get the text content of the element
  • queries: QueryUtils - the query subset of @testing-library/dom exports
    • queryByPlaceholderText
    • queryAllByPlaceholderText
    • getByPlaceholderText
    • getAllByPlaceholderText
    • findByPlaceholderText
    • findAllByPlaceholderText
    • queryByText
    • queryAllByText
    • getByText
    • getAllByText
    • findByText
    • findAllByText
    • queryByLabelText
    • queryAllByLabelText
    • getByLabelText
    • getAllByLabelText
    • findByLabelText
    • findAllByLabelText
    • queryByAltText
    • queryAllByAltText
    • getByAltText
    • getAllByAltText
    • findByAltText
    • findAllByAltText
    • queryByTestId
    • queryAllByTestId
    • getByTestId
    • getAllByTestId
    • findByTestId
    • findAllByTestId
    • queryByTitle
    • queryAllByTitle
    • getByTitle
    • getAllByTitle
    • findByTitle
    • findAllByTitle
    • queryByDisplayValue,
    • queryAllByDisplayValue,
    • getByDisplayValue,
    • getAllByDisplayValue,
    • findByDisplayValue,
    • findAllByDisplayValue,

Known Limitations

  • Async utilities waitForElement, waitForElementToBeRemoved and waitForDomChange are not exposed. Consider using a find* query.
  • fireEvent method is not exposed, use Playwright's built-ins instead.
  • expect assertion extensions are not available.

Special Thanks

Related Playwright Test Utilities




This project is actively maintained by engineers at @hoverinc 😀.