So,does this mean that the mtag result was not informative enough when the snp did not reach the genome wide significant. I feel that the results of these SNPs are...
Thanks for your reply. It is true that the SNP is imprecise in GWAS (P-value=0.6). But how to define the imprecise SNP in MTAG; It still has a realtive low...
But another example: RAW phenotype1 GWAS summary:beta=-0.0060;SE=0.01;P=0.665 RAW phenotype2 GWAS summary:beta=-0.024;SE=0.0025;P=4.73E-21 MTAG phenotype1 summary:beta=-0.035;SE=0.0041;P=1.35E-17 This snp are precisely estimated in MTAG but not GWAS and the beta has greatly changed.
So, can I consider the MTAG results reasonable as long as they fall within the confidence interval of the original results?
Thank you for your help.