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Experiments with safe DMA abstractions in Rust

This repo was created to document the progress of the "DMA API Documentation" focus project.

This README lists the current state of our discussions regarding the topic of defining a safe DMA API. The repository also contains a prototype implementation of these ideas, as well as a number of examples that demonstrate their usability.

Further work on this concept can be found in the embedded-dma crate.

DMA Buffer Type

Assuming we have a Transfer struct abstracting a DMA transfer:

struct Transfer<B, P> {
    buffer: B,   // the buffer DMA reads from/writes to
    payload: P,  // owned DMA channel + peripheral

Question: What buffer types B are safe to use?

Specific Types

This section lists a few specific types that are commonly used with DMA and should be supported by whatever we come up with.

Note: Most of the below types reference [u8] buffers. Aside from u8, we'd like to support at least the larger word sizes u16 and u32.

Safe for DMA reads and writes

  • &'static mut [u8]
  • alloc::boxed::Box<[u8]>
  • alloc::vec::Vec<u8>
  • bbqueue::GrantW<'static, N>
  • heapless::pool::Box<[u8], _>

Safe for DMA reads only

Shared/read-only references:

  • &'static [u8]
  • alloc::rc::Rc<[u8]>
  • alloc::arc::Arc<[u8]>
  • bbqueue::GrantR<'static, N>

Have invalid byte patterns:

  • alloc::string::String


Requirement 1: B must be a pointer

That is, B must point to another location in memory where the actual buffer is located.

That is, the actual buffer must not be part of the Transfer struct. Otherwise is would be moved around the stack when the Transfer struct is passed between functions. Its address would change without the DMA knowing, and the DMA would read from/write to invalid memory locations.

See examples/


  • Requiring B to fulfill the StableDeref bound enforces this requirement.

    B: Deref + StableDeref    // for DMA reads
    B: DerefMut + StableDeref // for DMA writes
  • [unsound] Wrapping B in a Pin does not satisfy this requirement as Pin doesn't provide sufficient guarantees.

    See examples/

Requirement 2: B::Target must be stable

That is, dereferencing B must always yield the same memory location. Otherwise it is not guaranteed that the buffer stays valid for the whole duration of the DMA transfer.

As an example, consider this unstable buffer type:

struct UnstableBuffer {
    inner: Box<[u8; 16]>,

impl DerefMut for UnstableBuffer {
    fn deref_mut(&mut self) -> &mut [u8] {
        self.inner = Box::new([0; 16]);
        &mut self.inner

Every time we request a mutable reference to this buffer, it frees the buffer it currently holds and returns a new one. If DMA is already running on the old buffer, it would then access freed memory, which is unsafe.

This requirement can be lifted if we can ensure that no call to B::deref_mut happens after a DMA transfer was started on B. This seems overly restrictive, since it makes it impossible to, e.g., to provide the user with a way to write to the part of the buffer the DMA doesn't currently access.


  • Requiring B to fulfill the StableDeref bound enforces this requirement.

Requirement 3: B::Target must stay valid if B is forgotten

Calling mem::forget is safe. This means it is possible, in safe Rust, to lose our handle to the Transfer struct without having its destructor run. This means we cannot rely on the Transfer destructor to guarantee memory safety (by stopping or waitings for the DMA transfer). This means, B::Target must remain a valid (i.e. not freed) buffer, as long as B is not dropped.

This requirement does not hold for, e.g., references to stack buffers. See examples/


  • Adding a 'static bound, together with the bounds from Requirement 1, enforces this requirement. This way, we allow only:

    1. Pointers to static memory (&'static T, MyBuffer<'static, T>):

      Buffers in static memory will never be freed, so the DMA can safely continue accessing them in the background.

    2. Owned pointer types (Box<T>, Vec<T>, Rc<T>, String, ...):

      Since those pointers own the memory they point to, that memory won't be freed until the pointer is dropped. Since mem::forget explicitly does not drop whatever is passed to it, the memory will not be freed either.

    3. Shared pointer types (Rc<T>, Arc<T>):

      The memory those pointers reference won't be dropped as long as there is still a (shared) reference to it (i.e. reference count > 0). Again, since mem::forget prevents dropping, a shared pointer's reference will never be given back, so the referenced buffer won't be freed.

  • The 'static bound can be dropped if the user of the Transfer promises to never call mem::forget on it or leak it in any other way. This cannot be expressed in the type system, unfortunately. But we can provide an unsafe constructor method for Transfer and document this requirement there.

Requirement 4: B::Target must be valid for every possible byte pattern

When doing a DMA write into B::Target, we have no way to ensure at the type system-level that the DMA writes only values that are valid according to B::Target's type. Since producing an invalid value leads to UB, we can only allow target types for which all byte patterns are known to be valid values.

This is only a necessary requirement for DMA writes. It might be sensible to enforce it for DMA reads too, though, for the sake of symmetry and sanity.


  • Allow only the common DMA buffer types [u8], [u16], [u32]. These are known to be always valid, regardless of the underlying byte pattern. It's not clear if there is any practical need for supporting other types, especially because everything can be cast to a [u8] if necessary.

  • Introduce a new marker trait for types that are valid for every byte pattern and bound B::Target on that. There is prior art in zerocopy::FromBytes. This would introduce additional maintenance effort, since we probably don't want to depend on zerocopy directly, so we'd have to implement that ourselves.

Unsafe Traits

Given the above requirements and solutions, we end up with with the following minimal trait bounds:

unsafe trait Word {}
unsafe impl Word for u8 {}
unsafe impl Word for u16 {}
unsafe impl Word for u32 {}

// for DMA reads:
B: Deref<Target = [Word]> + StableDeref + 'static,

// for DMA writes:
B: DerefMut<Target = [Word]> + StableDeref + 'static

These bounds allow only [Word] buffers, which makes them too restrictive for some practical use-cases. We also want to support:

  • [Word; N]
  • CustomWrapper([Word; N])
  • MaybeUninit([Word; N])
  • ... (what else?)

To do so, we need to introduce another trait bound for B::Target, instead of fixing it to [Word].

Existing DMA implementations usually use As{Mut}Slice<Element = Word> or As{Ref,Mut}<[Word]> for the purpose. While this is probably sound for the DMA read case (i.e. it cannot lead to memory unsafety), Using AsMutSlice/ AsMut for DMA writes allows breaking Requirement 2 ("stable buffer") again, since we cannot trust the implementation of as_mut_slice/as_mut to behave in a sane way, similarly to how we couldn't trust deref_mut.

The only way around this (?) is to introduce another unsafe trait to enforce our safety requirements. We have the choice between another marker trait akin to StableDeref that ensures AsMutSlice/AsMut is safe to use, and a more general DmaBuffer trait that enforces all the DMA safety requirements. The latter choice seems preferable since it is more flexible and more readable as it encapsulates the notion of a DMA buffer into a single trait bound instead of four.

Thus we suggest introducing the following two new DMA traits (naming still subject to bike-shedding):

unsafe trait DmaReadBuffer {
    type Word;

    fn dma_read_buffer(&self) -> (*const Self::Word, usize);

pub unsafe trait DmaWriteBuffer {
    type Word;

    fn dma_write_buffer(&mut self) -> (*mut Self::Word, usize);

Both traits provide access to the start and the length (in Words) of the DMA buffer. They do so using a raw pointer and a separate length value instead of a single slice return value. The reason for this design is that it makes it possible to also support uninitialized MaybeUninit values, for which creating references would be undefined behavior.

The DMA safety requirements must be fulfilled by any type that wants to safely implement the above traits.

We can provide blanket implementations for common DMA types that we know to be safe. For example:

unsafe impl<B, W> DmaReadBuffer for B
    B: Deref + StableDeref,
    B::Target: AsSlice<Element = W>,
    W: Word,
    type Word = W;

    fn dma_read_buffer(&self) -> (*const Self::Word, usize) {
        let slice = self.as_slice();
        (slice.as_ptr(), slice.len())

Note that this blanked impl does not require 'static on B, so Requirement 3 is not enforced here. This is to enable using stack-based DMA buffers with a Transfer implementation that supports this (via an unsafe constructor). Functions that want to take a DMA buffer without unsafe still need to specify the 'static bound in addition to DmaReadBuffer.

Open Questions

  • Are the above requirements on B and B::Target enough to ensure safe DMA?

    • Can we find counter examples that fulfill them and still lead to unsafe or undefined behavior?
  • Is the "Specific Types" section above complete? Are we missing any important types used as DMA buffers in real-world projects?

  • Are the proposed unsafe traits a good fit for real-world use cases?

    • Are there scenarios where they would be insufficient?
    • Are there better (more ergonomic) ways to enforce the DMA safety requirements?
    • Issue: #1
  • Do we want to discuss alignment here?

    • Probably not, can be done separately.
    • We should just make sure our final recommendation doesn't prevent common approaches to specifying alignment requirements.

How to Help

Any feedback and the content of this document is welcome! You can talk directly to the project contributors (@korken89, @thalesfragoso, @ra-kete) or open an issue if you feel any of this needs more consideration.

There are a couple of "Open Questions" listed above that we are not entirely sure about yet, so feedback from the embedded Rust community would be especially welcome here. In particular, please have a look at Issue #1 discussing DMA traits.