hello, I runned fgbio's FilterConsensusReads to my RNAseq data, but the output results files are of too little size. The raw read uBAM file had 3-4GB, after first mapping and...
hello! I'm doing with sequencing data with UMI, I followed [#fgbio-best-practise-fastq---consensus-pipeline](https://github.com/fulcrumgenomics/fgbio/blob/3a74fd28ff630b417410953541ff107a1b7b0fb7/docs/best-practice-consensus-pipeline.md#fgbio-best-practise-fastq---consensus-pipeline) When I run fgbio ZipperBams to merge my consensus.ubam and consensus.mapped.bam, there is an exception: `Exception in thread "main"...