
Results 390 comments of terrafrost

Which version of 3.0 are you using? Line 2873 in SFTP.php on v3.0.14 is `case NET_SFTP_TYPE_CHAR_DEVICE:`. https://github.com/phpseclib/phpseclib/blob/3.0.14/phpseclib/Net/SFTP.php#L2873 Your stack trace shows `send_channel_packet` being called from `send_sftp_packet`. Here are the first...

Try `$ssh->setTimeout(0);`

After the `$ssh->enablePTY();`

I've actually been mulling over nixing code coverage reporting all together. As I understand it code coverage reporting requires xdebug. The problem with xdebug is that it slows things down...

If you're using v2 or v3... ```php $sftp = new SFTP('hostname.tld', 22); $sftp->login('user', 'pass'); $sftp->get('/path/to/filename.ext'); ``` What are you doing? How big is the file you're trying to download? Does...

There's no way to see if a command as finished on an interactive shell without waiting for the prompt and even that's not 100% foolproof. BUT I think I can...

Setting the timeout to zero means that it'll wait indefinitely. eg. it _won't_ timeout. I suppose you could set it to 0.0001 or something very small.

First thoughts: It looks like this is more analagous to rawlist() as opposed to nlist(). There's a huge amount of code re-use between readlist() and readlistGenerator(). The main differences are......

> I'm not entirely sure how using an ArrayObject would eliminate the need for using yield. Here's a demo script that does just that: https://pastebin.com/Vftyfn4D It creates an [iterable](https://www.php.net/is-iterable) using...