redux-voting-client copied to clipboard
Client app for the Full-Stack Redux Tutorial
It seems using the location global is not allowed so when you use it to set variables in your configuration at src/index.jsx, const socket = io(`${location.protocol}//${location.hostname}:8090`); react simply won't...
Same as the PR I did for the server repo: Most people should follow the tutorial, but the instructions should be known.
when I run "npm run test" I get the following error > 'jsx)'' is not recognized as an internal or external command, operable program or batch file. I changed extensions...
Hi , When i run npm run test in voting-client the tests are failing. I didn't fork the project. I followed the blog and built the project and the versions...
reducer_spec.js fails in browser (karma) testing...the problem is in the chai equality testing on fix is to use chai-immutable, which (I guess) was originally intended (as shown in package.json)...
To fix #3. Mocha files mask needs double quotes.
> Warning: setProps(...) and replaceProps(...) are deprecated. Instead, call render again at the top level. The `Voting_spec.js` test uses `component.setProps({pair: pair});` which is deprecated, ideas for alternatives?
Would you consider licensing this with some OSS-license of your choosing? Being a total beginner with Redux this seems like it could be a nice starting point for frontend apps....
Hi, I was following the tutorial and got a dependencies error for react/addons running tests. It seems to be deprecated on react 0.14.2. I fixed it replacing the "react/addons" on...
When all entries are voted and server return winner to clients, then a vote manager can not reset client interfaces via the reset button. Because `merge` does not remove `winner`...