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Source Code & Errata for the "Build Your Own AngularJS" book.

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“ } while (scope && !propagationStopped); return event; “ should be “ } while (scope && !propagationStopped); **event.currentScope = null;** return event; “

“ } while (scope && !propagationStopped); return event; “ should be “ } while (scope && !propagationStopped); **event.currentScope = null;** return event; “

“ Now all we need to do is call this new predicate instead of **_isArray** in $watchCollection: “ should be “ Now all we need to do is call this...

“ Armed with the knowledge about this difference between **digest** and $apply “ should be “Armed with the knowledge about this difference between **$digest** and $apply “

“ it(**'**inherits the parent's properties**'**, function() { “ should be “ it(**“**inherits the parent's properties**”**, function() { “ The single quotation marks in the original statement should be changed to...

“ describe('**$postDigest**', function() { “ should be “ describe('**$$postDigest**', function() { “

“ it('never executes **$applyAsynced** function in the same cycle', function(done) { “ should be “ it('never executes **$applyAsync** function in the same cycle', function(done) { “

“ it('executes **$evalAsynced** functions added by watch functions', function() { “ should be “ it('executes **$evalAsync** functions added by watch functions', function() { “ “ it('executes **$evalAsynced** functions even when...

“ it('executes **$evaled** function and returns result', function() { “ should be “ it('executes **$eval** function and returns result', function() { “

The file in the “Download the code for the starting point of this chapter” link is not the correct file for Chapter 1.