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Projects written in POSIX shell and BASH.

MASTER - Hopefully stable branch.
DEV - Development Branch (latest changes)

Introduction to Extra

Thank you for your interest. Despite the non-descript name of this repository, it's actually full of a lot of presentable, carefully-written shell programs.

Some of the programs within this repository were written and are maintained for a Bourne POSIX-compliant shell (with YASH as guidance), and others are written for the Bourne Again Shell.

As of 2022-02-25, here are some highlights:

  • autoexec - Development tool for automatic execution of files
  • backmeup - Simple and portable solution to HOME backup
  • cito - Portable installer for local or GitHub files
  • csi3 - Command-line cheat sheet for i3-wm/i3-gaps
  • fetcher - Simple interactive multi-file downloader for the terminal
  • glkfu - Easily compile & build Debian packages for Linux kernels
  • lmc-darklight - Scheduled dark/light themes for Linux Mint Cinnamon
  • rmne - Remove all of the non-essential Debian packages
  • simplify-ubuntu - De-bloat Ubuntu by interactively removing unneeded packages
  • tagged - List commits per file in the CWD of a git(1) repository

Bug/Issue Reporting

If you have any issues or bugs, I strongly recommend reporting it here on GitHub, as it will surely get my attention. Be sure to provide as much information as possible, if you're reporting a bug, such as program output, error messages, system information, etc. Thanks!